Full Member
Hi Binge Eater, for me, eating a low carb plan is about simple healthy choices, meats, fish, dairy, and vegetables that grow above ground, those that grow below store more starches and raise blood sugars. Fruits limited to berries and melons.
The only problem with low carbing for me, is eating enough and cheaply and lunches and snacks and eating out etc. And to be totally honest, it does help lose weight and also to keep sugars down, but an increase in cholesterol and other things really need me to focus more on health and lower fat.
Well done so far to you though
Thank you Sallybear. I suppose slow and steady wins the race or rather I have no other choice,lol. It really is a catch 22. you try to keep both fats and sugars down but you need both. so hard to reach a balance. high protein is good to lose weight but what of our cholesterol?. carbs are good to satisfy our hunger and give us energy but then what about the fact that they break down into sugar?. we cant win, lol. I guess we just have to balance it out and weight loss no matter how slow it is will be an extra bonus for us.