Kacey - Following Danish LL- CD (VLCD)

hey there honey. i've only just spotted your diary so sorry i'm late :)

whereabouts in denmark are you living? i'm marrying a danish chap next year and we're off to visit his family in roskilde in a couple of weeks :)

how much water are you drinking? because you aren't eating food you may need to up your water intake. i tend to drink 2.5 - 4 litres a day... also, doesn't the danish company offer any kind of support with the diet you are doing? is it a total food replacement diet or is it one like slimfast where you have to compliment it with other things? sounds like you are in the know about all your nutrients but you don't want your body going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat you are trying to get rid of!!

you sound like you are really strong of heart and mind and i'm sure that this time is the time you are going to achieve what you want to. you've done it before, you know that you can do it again. and i know what you mean about OHs cheating on diets. i did ww for a while and my OH joined me except he had pizza a couple of times a week and still lost more than me. now i refuse to have anything to do with any eating plan he decides on. of course now he's as thin as a rake (appropriate since he's a gardener...)

good luck for your weigh in tomorrow :)

abz xx


I just tried to psyllium husk in water. HELLO! That is not meant for consumption. I seriously have to try adding it to a shake or something.... I'd throw it up but it says on the tin that if you don't drink enough that it will swell up in your throat and kill you! NO JOKE! So, if I throw it up I might end up choking to death on it which would be even WORSE (as if I could imagine) than drinking the stuff.....

PHEW! I'll let you know how the adding to a shake goes....
i tried this once hon and half of it didn't even make it to my stomach. my body totally rejected the texture of it. i still have a packet of the stuff at home... ha. i know that some cders make 'porridge' out of them with a shake i think... have a look around. i'm sure someone will have posted something about it...

abz xx

I just tried to psyllium husk in water. HELLO! That is not meant for consumption. I seriously have to try adding it to a shake or something.... I'd throw it up but it says on the tin that if you don't drink enough that it will swell up in your throat and kill you! NO JOKE! So, if I throw it up I might end up choking to death on it which would be even WORSE (as if I could imagine) than drinking the stuff.....

PHEW! I'll let you know how the adding to a shake goes....


I remember trying EXACTLY the same thing when I first bought some psyllium husk. I put some in warm water and tried to drink it :jelous: I too was disgusted with what I saw and tasted. It was like wallpaper paste! :jelous: Since then I've used it only with the sweet shakes as I can have them lukewarm. I never use PH with soups as the heat from the water makes the PH swell quickly and it's like eating a creature from the black lagoon. :D
I was ALSO concerned about the health risks .. i.e. choking. So long as you mix it up properly and not try to injest it dry you'll be ok. ;)

Works pretty well. It is psyillium husks too. Just less intrusive. I have it in soups and shakes.
response to ABZ

Hi there - Good luck with your marriage - are you going to keep living in the UK? Did you meet the danish guy in the UK? Roskilde is fantastic! They just celebrated their 1,000 year anniversary as a city a few years ago. It is a very, very cool place. (all the kings and queens think so too as they are all buried there! :eek:) I live about 1 hour south of Roskilde on an island called Falster. Appx. 1 hr 15 minutes to Copenhagen - i I'm driving!

The danish diet (Nupo) can be a total meal replacement, or partial. It's up to you. I'm doing the total meal replacement for now. But it is something you buy in the main supermarkets here - not a program where you can get a counselor - which is a pity. It costs about the same as Cambridge as far as I can tell - so even more of a pity.

I'm drinking loads and loads of water! When I lost the weight on Atkins this was one of the things that helped with saggy skin (and hunger and clear looking skin and ...).

Let's see how the WI goes tomorrow....I'm going to blame my exercise if my weight hasn't gone down! ;)

Thanks for your input - nice to know my husband isn't the only one that is annoying on a diet!

hey hon. well we'll be staying in the UK for now. I would like to live in denmark for a short time, just so i can learn danish. the noises i make when trying are really not savoury!! in fact they cause hysterical laughter from any nearby danish person :)

initially i found the different cultures strange. i didn't think it would be that different in denmark. but i found everyone very rude to begin with until i realised the english are so bloody polite!! but i have had a few doors closed in my face rather than held open when they saw me coming. that kind of thing.. i nearly walked into a cinema door the first time i came here because someone closed it at me, ha.

i also find it strange how thin everyone is. and how neutral-looking many people are.. i went at christmas and had bright red hair and everybody, nobody withstanding just stared at me, heads turning the lot when i walked down the highstreet, went to a restaurant etc. i have gotten used to the manners thing now though and don't find it strange any more, it's just different. but all our friends still find it funny how often i say thankyou... ha.

i'm really looking forward to going back. we usually go about three times a year but we couldn't afford it this year so it will just be now and christmas :) we are feeling the pinch while saving for the wedding so the danish expense will have to wait, ha. it's so expensive over there...

so how's your danish? and i met my OH whilst playing a game online actually, then we met up for a year, then he moved over here to be with me...

and if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for work over there?

abz xx
Weigh In - End of week 2

Two weeks - no cheating, added in daily exercise. Result:

1.75 pounds lost.

Well, not quite the result I was hoping for... so I got out the tape measure. I mean SURELY all that walking has made a difference. 5 centimeters lost! WHAT??? I can suck in my stomach 5 centimeters! (I didn't.... but my goodness)

I'm not sure what happened here because the math doesn't add up. If I eat 600 calories a day and I burn 350 calories a day (just in exercise, not including basic metabolic rate) then ummm, I must be able to live on like -500 calories a day without losing weight! :sigh:

OK, seriously - I'm not depressed. I'm still in there. Hubby started yesterday too. All he could talk about was food - but since it was his first day I just ignored it! However, he keeps saying "How can eating our fresh veggies - like cucumbers and tomatoes - be BAD? I can't see how that can be BAD for our diet." It is hard to argue with his logic... And it matches the Dr. Jekyll voice in my head.

I need a good reason NOT to eat them!!! Besides - on principle. Someone help!??!?

Also - regarding the psyllium husks. These were created by the devil. There is no question about it! NOTHING can make these decent. Question - can I put them in a shake with ice? Like the ice cream version? Or is that just ruining a perfectly good packet?? I'd really like to add this vile, horrific stuff to my diet (for some reason that I am REALLY trying to remember now!) but need a way to get it down without killing myself!

Help is appreciated there too!

On to week 3!
Techie question...

I am just trying to put this below my ticker in my signature:

SD: 12/8/2008
Wk 1: -3.5 kgs (7.7 lbs)
Wk 2: -0.8 kgs (1.75 lbs)
Goal 1: (< 200 lbs)
Goal 2: (-10 kilos)

I keep getting an error that it can't be more than 150 characters... I don't think that is 150 characters - and also I see a lot of people that have posted multiple weeks worth of stats. What am I doing wrong?

Hi Kacey, I think you are only allowed so many lines until you add a few more posts and then your signature can be longer gradually. Your diary is really honest and interesting :)
Hey Kacey - still nearly 10lbs in a fortnight - try and look at the bigger picture. I have had weeks where I've only lost a pound or stayed the same - I have to look at the totals and that makes me feel better.

The exercise will make a difference to the weightloss - and the tape measure is proving that too.

Re the Psyllium husks - they sound completely disgusting. Why don't you try Fibresure instead - its completely tasteless. You dissolve it in cold or warm water.

Carol x
"If you have a child who has been allowed to stay up as late as he wishes for a long time, and then you make a decision that you now want this child to go to bed at 8 pm every night, what you think the first night will be like?
The child will rebel against this new reule and may kick and scream and do his best to stay out of bed. If you relent AT THIS TIME, the child wins and will try to control you forever.
However, if you calmly stick to your decision and firmly insist that this is the new bedtime, the rebellion will lessen. In two or three nights, the new routine will be better established.
It is the same thing with your mind. Of course it will rebel at first. It does NOT want to be RETRAINED. But you are in control, and if you stay focused and firm, in a very short time the new way of thinking will be established. And you will feel SO GOOD to realise that you are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of you own mind."

OK, sorry to bore you with these quotes from a book but WOW, that is definitely the way I want to start this Monday!!!! Not being a helpless victim of Dr. Jekyll inside harassing me into going back to the 'old', 'easy' route - but an in control DIVA who is going to be so drop dead gorgeous and sexy that I will have men quivering in front of me!!! (ha ha ha ha - stop laughing - I'm trying for a BIG GOAL here so that if I miss slightly I'll still be sexy and stylish!)

PMA - can and does work if you try it!

I think if you tell yourself positive life affirming things over and over again - eventually your brain believes you. I am going to write down some positive things and stick them on my fridge - and I am going to repeat them out loud every day.

State all the things you want in the present tense this is from your first post

"I WANT to be thin. I WANT to be sexy. I WANT to be healthy and stylish and cute and perky and a woman that people say "WOW, how do you keep yourself so well?". All the while I WANT that - I'm sabotaging myself. But WHY? Well, that's the purpose of this diary. If you've read this far - thank you for bearing with me. I think its going to be a soul baring time over the next weeks/ months. I also think that not having any food choices (so to speak) is going to really give me some things to think about - things I avoided thinking about by preparing lovely, gourmet style meals (lots of thought, shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning goes into those). It might get ugly... but underneath that ugliness I think there is a healthy, sexy woman just DYING to get out! Let's find out!

So - write down:
I am thin
I am sexy
I am healthy and stylish and cute and perky
People stop me and can't believe how amazing I look

And tell yourself these things everyday- several times a day!

You can do this!

hey hon. perhaps you aren't getting ENOUGH calories. i know that sounds bizarre but your body could have gone into starvation mode. we aren't supposed to exercise until well and truly and firmly in ketosis which is after a couple of weeks... so maybe that could be your problem? in any case, keep it up for another week and see what happens? i am having to go through a bit of an experiment with it myself as my body stopped losing weight all together for no apparent reason and i even gained 1/2 lb at weigh in this week which should be physically impossible and i have been told to up my calories, but only after a few weeks observation as it could just be a body blip.

you have still done incredibly well. think about what you have achieved. not what you haven't :)

good luck on the coming week and ignoring your hubby's naughty voices :)

abz xx
Day 16

Have I mentioned I hate my husband???

No, not really - but he wanted to go on 'my' diet (how I became the owner of this I'm not sure) starting on Monday. Well, if you read before I was not thrilled by this. By Monday afternoon he was saying, "I really want to eat - I'm not hungry but it FEELS GOOD!" No comment!

Monday night - One of his friends calls and says he's being booted from his house on the weekend due to a 'female' party. He'll be here Saturday. I say, "um, fine - did you tell him about your 'diet'?" Hubby says "Oh - I won't diet when he's here are you crazy".

End of Day 1.

Day 2 - He does great during the day. We take a walk in the afternoon. He tells me he is hallucinating about all kinds of food, which he describes in detail. Including a nice thick steak with a big glass of red wine. I officially hate him! Then the neighbor comes over. He can't tell the neighbor that he is dieting (male ego and all) so they have a few beers, then go to neighbors and have a few beers more. I, quietly, drink my water and think HA HA - you won't lose anything now. (spiteful I know - a bit of jealousy thrown in there)

Day 3 - HE HAS LOST ALMOST 3 KILOS (6.6 pounds).

So, it's truly official - I hate him! He's all prissing about saying how he is going to lose 5 kilos by next Monday and what a wonderful diet this is... it is so easy... blah blah blah.

Someone stop me from MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:
oh you poor thing. just don't listen to him. don't be put off by him. you know fine well that he won't make it to the finishing line so when you are slim and sexy and he isn't, well tough. and if he does then you'll have a slim and sexy hubby :D

i think a lot of us have been through this honey. men always ALWAYS lose weight more easily than women do, and man do they like to gloat about it. thing is, he's likely to put back on what he loses as he'll go back to bad habits. you stick to your guns babes. you're doing really well. when is your weigh in day?

abz xx
weigh in...

ABZ - thanks for that. Men ARE annoying aren't they? (and yes Danish people are strange :p) I thought coming from the US and it being a Western culture (ok, i'm using the term culture VERY loosely here) and all that being in Denmark would be very similar. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Not even close! Night and day!

Having said that - I LOVE it here now and would never, ever go back! (at least that is not ever in my plans)

He is all - YOO HOO - I'm going to be down another kilo tomorrow. He might! I might cut a few off of him (like his leg or something!)... ;)

I'm weighing in on Tuesday. Hopefully, cross fingers, I can meet my goal number 1 which would be a loss of 13.5 pounds. Let's see. No matter what.... turtle or hare - I'm getting there!

Thanks for support. I can really use it!
any time at all babes :) you are right. you will get there just fine :)

do you work over in denmark? if so what do you do and do you speak danish? can you tell i'm vying for information for future plans? ha. i would love to move to denmark for a while but i am not sure how practical it is. i want to be able to stay there long enough to learn the language properly too...

abz xx
Ignore him! My other half decided to diet along with me to support me - followed a low-gi diet (low-gi apart from the beer and cider he has continued to drink the whole while!) In the first 3 months he lost nearly as much as me and I wasn't eating anything!!!!!

However - my OH has not gloated once, has been super-supportive at all times and I couldn't have done it without him.

At least your husband isn't trying to sabotage you by trying to make you eat pies!!

Carol x
Day 17 - updates...

Hubby - after cheating with some whiskeys with the neighbor last night, lost another kilo today. Then this morning, he ate a big hunk of cheese. I asked why in the heck he was 'cheating' with food. He said "Oh, I don't want you to feel bad that I'm losing so fast so I'm trying to slow it down a little for your sake." ha ha ha

Have you heard such crap in your life???! I am secretly plotting to do him in while he's sleeping!

Regarding the fibersure - unfortunately I cannot get that here. I've been around this morning to the pharmacy and a few stores. They only have - yes you guessed it - psyllium husk. I think they have to PAY people to take that stuff off the shelves!

Seriously - has anyone tried it in the shakes - with ice? Does that make the shake just toooo disgusting? I haven't dared waste one yet.

Amazingly, I have made it now almost 17 days without 'eating'. Not a bite, a taste, or a lick. The Dr. Jekyll voice is quieter - I've even agreed with it a few times. (you know, it says "ohhh some fresh grilled veggies and a nice steak for extra protein won't hurt - and a glass of red wine is GOOD for you!") I say back - "yes it does sound good and I can't WAIT to have that once I'm thin, vibrant, and healthy".

Here's what I think... it's quiet - the voice - because it's plotting :eek:. A major assault is coming - I'm sure. But after dealing with my husband - Dr. Jekyll should be a breeze!

ABZ - I want to figure out how to PM you so that we can chat. I'm sure the other's aren't too keen on my Danish experiences... interesting though they may be! :p Let me see if I can get that to work somehow. When are you coming to Roskilde????

Besides the fact that I'm starving today - all is well. I'm just reminding myself that I had 'hungry' days when I wasn't dieting. I'm going to deal with it! Carol - I can't WAIT til I get as close to goal as you are - what a fantastic job you've done!
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I am soooo hungry today. I could just eat anything. I bought my son a pizza (I know - it's awful) but I didn't want to cook anything... Too risky. Well my goodness - I could have inhaled that whole thing. I feel like I'm starving. I also think that if I take one bite - well, it will lead to 20. I feel the same way about doing a weekend program or a one meal a day program. My one meal a day (or week) would be lovely! And about 10,000 calories!

Ok... just had to come here and moan so I don't eat! If he'll just go to bed early I will too. Delay the temptation til tomorrow at least!