Thanks for all your comments folks.
I'm not nervous Nanni, but I do feel like there's lots still to do! Meeting with the dressmaker on Tuesday to (hopefully) get my sari blouse lengthened.
Lydia, I think I have the Rose Elliott book at the house - I must get Josh to have a look!
The principles are quite simple - you cut out all sugar, rice, potatoes and starchy veg. Atkins followers also cut out fruit but I'm having raspberries. Basically proteins are fine - meat (I don't eat meat but Aunty M you would be able to have it), fish, eggs, cheese (max 3oz a day), quorn and tofu and non-starchy veg. Plain yogurt is also ok.
So yesterday I had my mushroom and spinach omelette, yogurt with raspberries, avocado salad and a few sugar free sweeties. I did have a taste of Keith's tiramisu but food from other peoples' plates doesn't count, does it?
Today I had omelette again - mushroom, red pepper and ww cheese and a few sugar free sweeties again. Then I remembered why it's not a good idea to eat too many sugar free sweeties! Raspberry smoothie made with coconut milk and powdered egg white (ordinary milk too high in carbs) and a creamy leek soup for tea.
I'm feeling very full and finding it easy to do. It'll be interesting to see if I can stick it out! Going to have another smoothie for breakfast tomorrow and make myself a packed lunch to take to work - probably egg salad. Either cauliflower cheese or quorn and mushroom bake for tea.