At 10.30pm last night me and hubby got kids all wrapped up warm, donned our hoodies and gloves then drove out on the moors. There were still showers and shooting stars and it was amazing. Driving out of the city gave a much clearer sky so it was really nice. It was a little scary as well... it was pitch black and quite eerie! our 6 year old got a little nervous and sat back in the car with the dome lights on after a while. I have to admit, i was a bit freaked out as well but Im really glad we did it as it was a bit of a midnight adventure for the kids and it was an amazing sight

we didnt get back until around 11.30 so they enjoyed it all.
Well today I wanted to take the kids to Cornwall Crealy by Padstow but it is meant to be showery rain this arvo

we have memberships to the crealy park so it is no expense but a really good day out. BUMCAKES! I know tomorrow is a better option as it is going to be sunny but I hoped to leave tomorrow free to see my sister properly. She comes home from London today and is really torn up over her friends illness. I didnt want to land on her today as her boyfriend lives far away but he is down in Devon at the moment and thought she would prefer to spend today with him. I guess she has lucked out and will get me, kev and 3 noisy kids as well for a couple of hours. It is rubbish though... i shouldnt moan all the time but these crappy rainy summers we get just drive me flipping mental! Its the middle of August and it has rained loads :sigh:
Looking out into my garden, my apple tree has properly fruited for the first time... and I cannot cook them as they are millions of syns. 4 years I have waited for that tree to establish... the times i have dreamed of the apple crumbles i will create and now i have to pick them and give them away

I will make pies and whatnot for kev and the kids but it will be hell not having any myself. My mum has already picked loads of them and made a lovely crumble BUT she brought it back here with a tin of custard for me to give out... twas hell, i tell ya! theres something about the smell of cinnamon that makes me want to devour the entire source

hark at me, not even 9am and i am drooling for desserts
Its my mums birthday on Monday and her brother is coming to visit from London. She has only seen him twice since she moved to Devon (when I left London in 2003 they followed in 2006) so it will be great to see Uncle Jim. he is a funny bugger. A proper good ol' eastend boy with a million stories to keep your ribs aching
anyways... the kids will be getting up soon so Im off to get showered so i can pick some apples....
I am going to be a SW angel today ...
Day 4 of Week 11
lean grilled bacon
2 boiled eggs
mushrooms, onion, tomatoes
8 Mini Kievs (12 syns)
jacket spud with cheese (HEX A)
total syns: 12