Serial Foodie!
right. ive gone over my dailies again. i need slapping! i forgot i'd had 2 hot chocolates and i thought the WW choc dessert i had was 3 PPs, not 4 so i have used 3 weeklies. including yesterdays weeklies, thats 15 so only a maximum of 5 more this week... i will try to save or not use them
had a nice day at work... i have volunteered to do some extra work tomorrow with a young person so will be meeting him after ive had my hair and feet done. no nandos for me
Im sure i'll work it in somewhere else over the weekend though
Im going to have an early night with a good book tonight. Im pooped!
we ended up having tex-mex burgers and baked potato with mounds of salad and cajun mayo. was very yum
i finished off with a weight watchers double chocolate brownie. i dunno what it is with me?! i NEVER have desserts - but i have them all the time since starting WW. very odd... i just feel its a treat and try to fit them in whenever i can. weird!
had a nice day at work... i have volunteered to do some extra work tomorrow with a young person so will be meeting him after ive had my hair and feet done. no nandos for me
we ended up having tex-mex burgers and baked potato with mounds of salad and cajun mayo. was very yum