Hi Jo and Carly and Good Morning Minis! xxxx
Well... today we celebrate our girls birthday (even though it isnt until tomorrow). We just presented her with her BMX and she is now riding around the street like a lunatic

While she does that we are going to draw up a shopping list and decorate the house in balloons. Usually we would do it the night before when she goes to bed but our house guest was tired and is using the sofa so we let him go to sleep. We are starting the BBQ from 2-3pm but I am going to be really careful with what I eat. If I can lose 2 lbs this week, it means I will have less than 100lbs to lose! If i managed to lose 3lbs that would mean I get my 10%. HOWEVER! I lost so much last week i know it is quite likely that this week will be a difficult week. Also, I have only walked once this week and wont get a chance to do a big walk again until Friday.
Today is going to be interesting. My dad has gone utterly mental about our house guest. Although my dad is an Irish immigrant and 6 of his siblings are too... he seems to get his 'daily mail' head on and thinking the most stupid and untrue things about asylum seekers. the fact he is so racist is a huge barrier. Hes a lovely man but has some serious tunnel vision about some things. So... yesterday S (i'll call our guest by his initial) met my parents, went to shake dads hand and you could see he didn't want to. Worse, you could tell S noticed. My parents also took great effort to pounce on my husband when he went over there yesterday to build our girls bike. They made their feelings clear about how we are endangering our children with dirty foreigners. That kind of disgusting thinking REALLY gets my back up... especially when it comes from another immigrant. My dad came here for economic reasons.. the guys I am talking about turn up with bullet wounds and in utter fear for their lives. im getting quite peeved just typing about it! anyways... my daughter has invited 2 more refugees to her birthday as she is close to them and wanted them at her birthday. I agreed because I am quite close to them and they will be great company for S today. I can see the communication is difficult for him and he is feeling a bit isolated

My dad better behave!
Well... I have quite a bit to do guys so will try to behave myself. Hopefully I can be strong in the face of crisps and birthday cake

I will fiddle my menu as the day goes on. I get 1 less daily now. Still, 34 is quite a lot and I have only used 3 weeklies so far this week.
Have a lovely Sunday guys xxxx
Day 74
30g Porridge with water (3)
Options Hot Chocolate (1)
Banana (0)
Cheese (4)
2 slices wholemeal toast (4)
Salad cream (1)
Salad (0)
Large Salad with Lemon Wedges (0)
250g Jacket Potato (5)
BBQ Chicken (4)
2 satsumas (0)
Total Dailies: /34