Serial Foodie!
Hi guys
I didnt end up seeing S as I couldnt reach him earlier but eventually got through to arrange seeing him tomorrow for dinner so I am meeting him at 1pm. Before that I have an 'Aqua-Zumba' class. I have no idea what that entails but i will find out at 10.45am tomorrow! Tuesday I have bodyjam, wednesday I have aquafit, thursday I have personal trainer, friday i have aquafit AND bodyjam with another bodyjam on Sunday. If this doesnt shift weight, i dunno what will! Im not sure if Im walking with P this week. I do really enjoy it... dartmoor is beautiful and when i get to the top of those tors/hills, i really feel i have achieved something. of course, it always feels like ive just conquered Everest lol. I'll be huffing/red/gasping/making stupid noises and P hasn't even broken a sweat! Quite embarressing to be so utterly unfit but there ya go! it is what it is
Im sure P doesnt care and I dont care if P cares or not.. Im just glad I can manage it even if it does half kill me! Im impressed that I am learning to read maps and use a compass properly. I want to get really good at it and dazzle my hubby and kids with it. they'd be so surprised to see me up rocks and hills leading them around the moors without getting lost! more SHOCKED actually
Hubby took the kids out today and i went back to bed. Ive slept loads today... must be still tired from Fridays walking
We are having some overheating issues with our car so I am panicking a bit. we need to get the car seen to in time for my 3 weeks of training for the new job as it is over 20 miles away and daily. taking a train isnt really an option as I need to drop the kids to school still. gah! Hope it is a very inexpensive job and something the garage can fit in this week! something else to worry about... just what i need
Anyways, I am going to finish watching Law and Order then hit the sack
Hope you all have a lovely Monday. goodnight, me lovers (as we say in Plymouth) xxxxx
I didnt end up seeing S as I couldnt reach him earlier but eventually got through to arrange seeing him tomorrow for dinner so I am meeting him at 1pm. Before that I have an 'Aqua-Zumba' class. I have no idea what that entails but i will find out at 10.45am tomorrow! Tuesday I have bodyjam, wednesday I have aquafit, thursday I have personal trainer, friday i have aquafit AND bodyjam with another bodyjam on Sunday. If this doesnt shift weight, i dunno what will! Im not sure if Im walking with P this week. I do really enjoy it... dartmoor is beautiful and when i get to the top of those tors/hills, i really feel i have achieved something. of course, it always feels like ive just conquered Everest lol. I'll be huffing/red/gasping/making stupid noises and P hasn't even broken a sweat! Quite embarressing to be so utterly unfit but there ya go! it is what it is
Hubby took the kids out today and i went back to bed. Ive slept loads today... must be still tired from Fridays walking
Anyways, I am going to finish watching Law and Order then hit the sack