Good Morning Minis!
Hi Carly, I love your target for your friends wedding. Very realistic and inspiring. My goal is also for the same time period (sept 2012) but going to Disney with hubby and the kids. Im going to book it soon so wont have any option but to stick with WW fully!
I had a lovely time last night. Very relaxing and nice meal/drink with hubby. my mum popped in and hadnt eaten so I made her a quick recipe off that same website i mentioned for 'bangin good shrimp' and my mother refused to leave without the recipe lol. She said they were the best way she'd ever had king prawns and wanted to be able to make it for my brother and his wife when they visit next weekend. I only just found out that they are coming down from London for the long weekend and they are bringing my dad with them. Yay! I hate my dad being away working. he is 70 this year but wont give up working and is contracting in London until the end of the summer. Dont think its right that he is running around at his age and leaving my mother here on her own for months at a time but he gets so well paid he wont retire! I am a really daddys girl though so cannot wait to see him. he is the best man EVER! (hope my lovely hubby doesnt subscribe to this website!)
Anyways... today my daughter is sleeping over at her friends. i'll be dropping her there shortly (she'll be gone all day today) and hubby managed to get 3 tickets to the opening ceremony of a shaolin school. how exciting! definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet one of the top 20 Shaolin Warrior Monks in the world! The tickets were £50 each but someone gave them to hubby at work. he only got 3 tickets though so i said he should take the boys as our girl is out for the day anyways. im going to hang back and start tiling the bathroom. another once in a lifetime opportunity (NOT!) Hubby did offer the ticket to me but i know it means a lot more to him so i will sacrifice. besides... i still need to slip out and get him a gift for our anniversary tomorrow!
on the diet front - i feel like im having a good week, despite saying i would use NO weeklies and i am 2 days into a fresh week, having used 10 already lol. aside from the wedding anniversary, i dont see any reason to use any more of them so hopefully i will have a good week. We've decided to go to Nando's and the cinema (they are next door to eachother) to celebrate our 7 yrs of marriage

and I have picked out my food and PP'ed it in advance so, unless we drink loads or i fall foul to a high fat dessert, i should stay within dailies tomorrow. fingers crossed!
there shouldnt be a problem staying on track today either but i will edit menu when i get back from dropping daughter off at her friends.
Day 38
2 x sainsburys 'bgty' sausages (4)
2 x boiled eggs (4)
100g baked beans (2)
onion, tomato & mushroom (0)
250g Sweet potato fries in chilli and garlic coating (6)
125g homemade burger (6)
large salad (0)
wholemeal Bap (3)
Sauces ketchup and american mustard (1)
2 x WW choc bicuit (5)
Total points: 31/36