Good Morning Minis!
Guys, Friday night was brilliant! Even better than last year so we were dead impressed

The show ws called 'svengali' but I wont give too much way as it will be televised before long. I ALMOST got picked on. He went to choose me for something but i must have looked mortified or unsuitable as he changed his mind. Im glad cos the person he picked had to eventually go up on stage and read stuff out. I would have died having to do that. Hubby got picked for something else though so he was super happy lol.
My brother, his wife and my dad are down to visit so thats great too. Dad has about 4 months worth of work left in London and will be back here with mum after that. yay! I love my dad to bits and have missed him loads

oh, its nice to see my brother and sister-in-law too. my kids adore them and dont get to see them often so its great they are here until tomorrow.
On the WW front all is well. I didnt get a chance to come online yesterday but i have stayed on track. I have had a lot of takeaways though! Friday night we got a chinese after Derren but used mostly dailies and about 4 weeklies so that wasnt bad at all. Yesterday me and my youngest went to the cinema and to Nando's for lunch. I didnt think much of the spicy rice but it was ok. Next time im trying the wraps

Then we went to meet hubby and other kids (who had been to see the shoalin warriors again) in town. We were there for hours and ended up having a subway as well. I stayed entirely within PPs and even had room for a glass of amaretto in the evening while watching the UEFA match. So... my last 3 meals were all take-out and I am well within PPs

this WW malarky doesnt feel like a diet at all!
We're having a bit of a lazy day today and will go over to mums to spend time with the out-of-towners

She is cooking a grand feast but i shall take my own food along. I have some rather yummy looking 'light choices' syrup sponges and some WW custard which i have been wanting to eat for days so i wont feel deprived at all when they are having a fatty roast dinner with all the trimmings
Menu to follow!