Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Morning all:)

Checking in from Uruguay now! We've done the mad rush around sight seeing bit and now settled in a lovely resort hotel. Not only does it have free wifi everywhere but also a free kids club - which is why i am sitting chilling on the balcony:D

Photos - one is balcony view and one is panoramic by the pool ( new app, very cool). Oh yes and one of me and DD in BA by the port.

Although sunny, not that warm. Wearing my new shorts anyway as a matter of principle;). Generally feeling good - stayed low carb except for 3 meals so far. 2 were airports with absolutely no other choice during 10 hour days and one was absolutely choice being taken out for sushi by a friend in buenos aires:p. In all cases my tum very upset by the carbs - shows that i must be designed to eat this way!

Hope you are all well and not finding too many easter eggs calling you.....



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Sounds like you are having a fab fab time, and doing very well on the food by the sound of it, great control Katie xx
Oh it looks lovely! I'm well jealous! Have fun xx
Morning Katie... Lovely pic of you and DD... She's so cute! And you're a skinny mummy! I'm really envious! Xx
Yoohoo everyone:)

Arrived back safely this morning - heathrow T5 was a nightmare - apparently they didn't know what to do when passengers actually arrived and couldn't get everyone in the right place etc....! If this is our high tech modern terminal/airport i dread to think what it will be like when the olympics get going:eek:

Lovely to be home - cats seem happy to see us. Although we've had someone in every day i know they both get lonely. One currently snuggled asleep on my shoulder and the other trying to help me type:D

As anticipated, food at airport and on plane fairly hopeless - had some nuts to keep me going and ate the breakfast omlettes (not sure what timezone it was though - about midnight by my body clock and 4 am uk time). Actually bit fuzzy now as i've been up all night and only got about an hours kip. Luckily DD got more like 4-5 hrs. Looking forward to having our normal meals again although we did really enjoy the steak in argentina. Will be interesting to see what the scales say.....

Will try catch up later - in the meantime have a good sunday all. Off to see if there is anything to eat in this house!
Morning Katie!!

Lovely to see you back! Hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday and fingers crossed for the scales :)

J x

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Hey Katie!! Fantastic to have you back although I'm sure it doesn't feel so good to be back! Hugs xxx
Welcome back Katie, Sounds like a fab time and you deserve a nice rest today.

Heard something on the radio the other day about the mess at the T5 and how they're going to struggle with the Olympics if they don't get it sorted.

Lovely pics. x
Welcome back Katie - sounds like all the family had a great time - except for T5, what a nightmare!

Hope you get some nice sleep today, jetlag is a bugga!

Sweet re the cats, Orbs used to sleep on my shoulder but she won't do it anymore :(
Welcome Back Katie, and no matter what the scales say you have obviously done your best and nobody can ask for more than that, and knowing your focus, it would be off in a trice anyway - glad you have had such a brilliant time apart from T5 obviously................. xx
Glad you had a lovely time and you're back safe and sound xx
Hey Katie!! What's the damage on the scales? Did I miss your post? Xx
Evening all:)

Geting back into the routine of things now DD back at school (she missed yesterday as she was so tired she was throwing up everywhere :sigh: !). Haven't managed to unpack but trying to at least start working through the overflowing email inbox;). Dancing restarted and feels GOOD - although definitely much puffier than 2 weeks ago :eek: Set myself a target of 15 hours exercise for april before i left so better get a move on!

Spent evening up in town seeing a coaching client - it was a good session so feeling back to it! Would like to report big K symptoms - but no it was just the asparagus for lunch delvering stinky wee lol
