Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Oh what a bugga about the teacher hun, especially when you were all geared up for it!

Prague sounds like brilliant fun - and it's always great to have an apartment with a kitchen rather than stay in a hotel :)
LOL - good advice to the busiest woman in the universe! Hope they get a new teacher soon K - I know how you love your zumba.
Ahh - bottle of red vino now open and it tastes particularly good after another week NMV:D DH cooking dinner - steak, broccoli & leeks/green beans so mouth watering. Also out to lunch today at nandos with DH - enough stamps for a free 1/2 chicken - yummy. Gotta love Atkins:)

Anyway NMV means lost the excess prague pounds so now back to losing a few more of those summer pounds. Actually more interested in dropping an inch than weight but finding exercise difficult to fit in. Life has got busier (is that possible?) with a couple of exciting client projects so I might even earn some money sometime!

Lol at your idea of being Zumba teacher - I did actually think about it one point but
It would get in the way of everything else!
When you are up front it is full on for the whole hour - I know as I used to lead just one dance for my previous Zumba teacher - while she had a rest. Always came off stage exhausted. Don't think I could be that full on all the time. You can ramp up or down if you are just participating!

Hope all going well for everyone - looking forward to the weekend
Kat1e's Diary - a little focus needed!

Hi Katie Prague sounds lovely and yay for being on target with losses. You'll have the inch off in no time. I know you love your Zumba but maybe you could target one area by doing 10mins each day at home.

Well done Mr.Katie on dinner xx.
Glad you enjoyed Prague x the scales may have gone up a little, but you are living proof this way of eating is a lifestyle and it can all be sorted x
Joined you on the LMV tonight K and god it was good after the dry week I had! :D
Sorry I've been awol. Work manic - was running leadership programmes all week so spent today catching up on the rest of the work. DH had to go to wales again to visit not well MIL. Tomorrow is packing and sorting for half term run around family & country - while ferrying DD to fro bday parties. Better download a bunch of books too

:wavey: to all as wont manage all diaries - blame Tee! ;)

In the meantime, food fine, wine not or is depending on how you see it:D
Hi all,
Another little check in. Half term was nice although rather a lot of running around the country side. The trip back on monday from malvern was hell - 3.5 hr journey took 7.5- hate our rail sytem:eek:

Had a dance fitness weekend in deepest gloucestshire - 3 pilates classes and 5x 90min dance workshops so quite hard work! Plenty of food and wine consumed to make the calories back. Came back 2lb heavier but much more toned so a good reminder to focus on exercise & shape not scales!

Wonder how the rest of the girlies did though - they were eating biscuits, sandwiches and cakes like going out of business lol while i stayed LC whole time.

Now back to too much work and once again need to focus on NMV during week. Must do better
Toodle loo:D
Haven't read all your diary ( as yet :) ) but subscribing after seeing your pics
Happy New Year everyone - hope you all had some good times with families and friends and not blown about too much!

We've got a bit more family & partying to do this weekend and then looking forward to a clean & green January to get my low carb energy back:)
See you soon
Hi everyone:)

Just thought I'd come and post for my 3rd year atkinsversary:D. I am still always surprised by how atkins has changed my life and a huge thanks to all the people that have helped me on the journey. looking forward to helping & supporting those just starting out!

Where am i after 3 years....
Well enjoying maintenance although think i must be slight above 80kg at the moment after a lovely christmas. It's not that i really eat many carbs (my regular diet nowadays is prob 30-50g of carbs) it's just the sheer quantities of food and wine plus regular treats that puts it on.

So january plan with hubby:
Back to no more vino NMV mon-thu except hols (so we'll start tues)
Revisit induction menu and cut down/out the vast quantities of nuts & cheese i eat
Better get some exercise sometime....
Perhaps less chocolate too;)

Target - get trousers back to comfy not tight. Probably 78 ish but dont want to need a belt either (too lazy!). Also want to have lots of energy and sleep really well
All sounds pretty doable

Good luck to all