Step 1 Sole Source Kate's Daily Diary've just read through all this thread of my first CD journey. I felt so amazing when I typed that last post. But what I didn't say was that I had done a pregnancy test the evening before...and despite having the coil fitted, I was pregnant!!! To say I was in shock and completely terrified was somewhat of an understatement. To put it into context, although we had two healthy children at the time, we don't have a very good history with pregnancies and we weren't planning on any more. Back in 2008 we lost our second little boy and when I then got pregnant with twin girls in 2009, they were born extremely prematurely and unfortunately we lost our first little girl too. The idea of a completely unplanned pregnancy was out of the question...especially as it meant I had to give up Cambridge and eat proper food!!! I'll be honest, I didn't ever expect it to end well. The drs said they advised removing the coil, so I just assumed I would miscarry. Then I just assumed that something would go wrong, so I carried on as usual (albeit without doing Cambridge) and neither me or my husband said a word to anyone...for weeks and weeks. Eventually after many scans we told our families following our 20 week scan last xmas eve. But they were sworn to secrecy too...just in case something went wrong. But I am so, so glad to say that all was well and William was born on the 1st of May this year. I didn't cope emotionally very well with the pressure of being pregnant and I ate, and ate and ate. Basically for the past year I lived on carbohydrates and I am ashamed to say that I put on every pound I lost and more. But I know why I did and now that William is 6 months and has finished breastfeeding, I am back with the same determination I felt before, if not more. It felt amazing to be able to look at my body and not be horrified by what I saw in the mirror. And I cannot wait for that same feeling again.

That's not to say I'm not a little daunted by the prospect of Sole source again. I never expected to be back here. However, I know that I am once again in control of my eating habits. I am a sugar addict. I cannot be trusted with the stuff, so the only way I will ever control my weight is for certain foods to be totally off limits. For some people that makes their cravings worse, but for me, I guess, it's very black and white and I can't cope with any shades of grey where food is concerned.

So I'm off to netball in a bit (in my now ridiculously small netball kit!!!) but before I go I am raising a glass of sparkling water to this journey I'm on again. I had a Vegetable Soup for lunch and a chocolate shake just now...and you know what...I quite enjoyed them! :) Exciting times.

So...60lbs to go by the end of January....bring it on.
Hey Wiggly.

Congrats on your little boy - that must have been so traumatic and I can understand the pressure of it all can get us into old habits. What's more important is that you're back - you're in the right frame of mind, and you're ready to tackle this journey - you've already indicated downfalls which helps soooo much in the fight and i'm sure you'll be seeing those big losses soon enough!

Thanks Flic. :D

Now at the end of day three and doing great. Got into a habit of a soup for lunch, frozen tetra as 'icecream' for tea, then either the orange or mint choc shake for supper. Still all with that same unique 'Cambridge' taste!! ;) but it's reassuringly familiar.

I love the fact that I don't have to put any thought into what I put into my body, although today was pretty tough. Today it was my turn to take my eldest and his friends to their ballet lesson in b'ham and I went shopping whilst I was waiting. Every other outlet seemed to be selling food or drink of some description and some of the smells were so tempting! But I love that cd makes it easy to say no...I'm so scared of not getting in to/coming out of ketosis that I would never 'cheat'.

I have rediscovered my best friend sparkling water, also. Forgot how many plastic bottles you end up recycling!

Hoping that tomorrow is ok and by Monday it'll be back to work on day 5 and hopefully full of energy. Already feeling a bit more 'squishy' so hopefully a pound or two already gone. I won't weigh myself at home, so we shall see at my next weigh in. Fingers crossed!

18 weeks in...64lbs down...21lbs to go!
Sounds like you had a fab weekend. It's amazing how CWP makes us feel and resist things that we usually would be all over!

Have a fab Monday - I find work much easier in terms of structure to keep me on the straight and narrow!

Thanks Flic. Still 100% ss but feeling rubbish. Don't think it's CWP related, more that my munchkins have brought some horrid bug home from school! I have the sorest throat. Good excuse to eat a chocolate tetra 'icecream'!

Very proud of myself as I cooked Sunday lunch and made a whole load of veg purées for William yesterday and didn't eat any of it. :)

Not hungry now, so am hoping that means am in ketosis.

Here's to a fab rest of the week...weigh in on Friday. No idea what to expect, but not worrying as I can only control the controllables. xx

18 weeks in...64lbs down...21lbs to go!
Woohoo! Went for weigh in this morning and I have lost an entire stone! Admittedly just over a week but am really pleased. :) Next weigh in a week on Monday. :) About to try a rice pudding for the first time...not a fan of the porridge so I don't think I'll like it but worth giving it a go. xxx

18 weeks in...64lbs down...21lbs to go!
Just tried to change my signature...not sure if it's worked?

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
Kate, that's fantastic news and such an incredible start - you must feel AMAZING!

I am in love - with the rice pudding! Every night and I get extras at the weekend so I can have two in a day! Haha.

Hmmm...jury still out on the rice pudding. Love it for the first few spoonfuls but not sure by the bottom of the bowl! Tastes fab with curry powder tho. :) Still 100%. Loving it and can't wait for next weigh in...another week closer to goal. Am v excited about being able to eat the bars again on Thursday. :)

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
With curry powder? Interesting. I absolutely love it - as it is supplied - CDC suggested cinnamon, but I don't want to ruin it...

Well done on your 100%!

Yep, curry powder...tastes just like curry sauce and rice. :)

Still 100%..just so busy I forget to post! Drinking loads, as ever. Very excited that I can now have bars as it has been two weeks.

Hope all ok xx

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
Woohoo! Another half stone gone. Almost a quarter of my way to target. :) xx

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
Well done you are doing great xx
Thank you both! Am just drinking lots and sticking to sole source. xx

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
So...I'm back again. And I've said it before, but this is the last time. I am not prepared to be this fat (and I am bigger than ever!) any longer. Lots of issues dealt with now and I am determined to do it. Halfway through day one...didn't start well, as I forgot my packs and I didn't buys any water, so it's tap water and green tea for me at work today! not a problem, though. I can do this. :)
Almost at the end of day 2 and still 100% ss. I'm drinking water like it's going out of fashion and counting down the 'meals'! I just couldn't face all my packets yesterday so actually lot had a butterscotch shake. Generally felt good today but it will be an early night as I'm exhausted. Today is:

Veg soup (can never tell whether I like it or not!)
chocolate tetra
mango shake with ice

bring on the next 82 days!!
End of day 4....100% ss. :) Feeling better today, my thick head has gone, although I'm not sure I'm drinking enough.

Treated myself to some new stationery today. It's the little things that keep me motivated...when I've lost a stone I'll buy myself some new sunglasses. 7...still 100% Ss. Over the last few days I've tried the chicken tikka and Mac cheese...not sure on either tbh, but at least it's some variety! Next appointment with CDc is a week on Thursday so it's just soups and shakes til then. Bring it on ☺️ Off to write my assignment...will step on the scales in the morning...eeek!