BB i wish my OH would stop eating all the rubbish he does.
Yesterday we went to the chemist for my shakes and the chemist is inside a Lidl store. I was walking round the shop with him with my bag of shakes and he was loading up the trolley with all his goodies.
Packet after packet of biscuits, god knows how many bags of sweets, piles of bars of chocolate and more.
I actually found it very depressing to be honest as he is 5ft6 and weighs over 19 stone.
I know i have a problem and i am trying to change my life but he is not the same.
I can't even feed him healthy meals as he hates fish, all vegetables, steamed meats, pasta. All he will eat is chips, roast tatties and things like burgers and sausages or anything greasy and fried.
He tried LT twice before but didn't really want to do it so never got to week 4 WI either time
Now to me,
Having a good day today and really giving it my best to stay 100%.
I have ham and chicken in the fridge and filled the fruit bowl up but i so want to get to ketosis.
Hope everyone is having a good day
