Gold Member
franbella21 said:confession alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just ate a chip lol a bloody oven chip and itwas blooody lush lol.bad fran xx
U best behave now I've got my pjs on xx
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franbella21 said:confession alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just ate a chip lol a bloody oven chip and itwas blooody lush lol.bad fran xx
franbella21 said:Well ss all day today but need a poo so think il have chicken i cooked not getin bunged uo for nothing lol dont fancy trying to pass a boulder !!
franbella21 said:Hiya i just been to see my old herbalife counsellor as i do every week shes a good friemd and i go every fri to keep myself on track get weighed and measured i find it helps.ive lost 4 lb since tues takin me down imto the 15s so im 15.13 only just in them so must stay focused!!!! Lost 4 cm from my waist and 2 off my im v v happy.on a bum note the weather is shocking and makin me feel ***** lol
Katie my lovely how u doin? Hope everyome is havimg a super super day) lots of love xc
franbella21 said:Lol im good hun goin to go sleep soon i think.another day done n dusted ob cd wooh! Weekends i hate :/ makes me feel deprived lol xx
LeaE said:ah well done kate well done fran and good night my lovelies yr both little stars and thank u fran for befriending me i was begining to feel a bit of an outsider x weekends are hard so keep busy and out the house xxx when in the house housework all the way bath then bed lol x or fashion shows saves me from crumbling lol xxxxx spk soon love to u both x
franbella21 said:Moooorning!! How are we all? Another cd day oh the joys ha ha.well my piss sticks havent come katie royal mail suck think il stick them up the queens ass when they come lol. My day consists of asda and drooling down the ailses and goim to costa this arvo with the babba to meet my friend.god forgot they do the best cakes argh.anyway hope u all ok ive just had my fruits of forest shake yummy and on 2 l of water xx
Shazziebelle said:Busy day Katie, I havent even managed to get out of bed yet! And I have an apartment to clean!! But first its shake time! xx
franbella21 said:Whoop!!! Love it il b best dressed girl in swansea.i aint been omg gettin worried now.i can feel it building up lol gross xx