You feeling any better katie?
Thanks for the comcern, not really feeling any better yet but chris is a little so thats good.
ha @ random bug - Love it!
I don't think your face has got fatter chick, you still look perfect enough to me anyway.
Is that cheese on your pizza? A vegan style one? I really hope so, a pizza aint a pizza without cheese. I usually buy the vegetarian cheese as I love cheese but it gives me a headache and I find the vege one is really mild and well... tasteless, if that makes sense.
Hope you feel better soon. xxx
Thank you gorgeous for the compliment and the well wishing.
Its not real cheese on the pizza, its actually that dairy free cheese sauce that is almost 0 points that people have talked about on here before. Its not great. Kinda gross but i agree a pizza is not pizza without cheese, or at least a cheesy taste. I used that sauce as it was quicker and easier than making my own cheese or cheese sauce for it, although that tastes ALOT better but its higher in points. I just made a bit up extra thick and put it on top and cooked it.
You can buy vegan cheese but IMO its vile. Im not really a cheese person anyway so im not bothered about it.
WARNING: dont read while easting/tmi....
Ive really noticed that since not having dairy my stomach has been x1000000 better than it has been for years. It must be the dairy as i never ate much meat or eggs enough to have had those problems. Things that used to set my stomach off i have eaten and had NO problems, things like chocolate, BNS, fizzy drinks, beans etc. Things that ALWAYS, without fail, would give me upset stomach. ive eaten all of them (choc without dairy) and ive not had anything. ANYTHING. Ive had normal,regular,, healthy:jelous: ones that Gillian Mckeith would be proud of

I feel so much better (other than this throat) health wise obviously as always beening ill must run down my immune system and make me alot more tired where i wasnt absorbing much nutriants from anything i was eating.
Just thought i would share that TMI, for some its probly not a big deal but for someone who went about a year with probly one 2 that where not upset thats a big deal!
Anyway wasnt feeling up to much (probly still full form last night as ate too much!) this morning so just had a fruit tea and so just had my lunch now. Soup and breadsticks. These breadsticks are HUGE! 2.5 pts each.
Going to have tofu something for dinner, very new to it so will see how i get on
Chris brought his dog laura round to see me to cheer me up because i love her ALOT! She gave me more kisses than Chris did :\
So here is a cute picture of her