Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

Enjoy your evening Katie xx
Had a lovely evening, been home alone with the dog, took him for a quick walk and had a chat to TH while doing so and apart from that I've done nothing but watch tv, watched three or four episodes of In The Club that I had on record.

Managed to ignore the enticing smells from the kitchen and to be honest it wasn't hard at all, think I was fed through the nose with it so didn't feel an urge for it.

After the race I had a boost of energy so tidied the shoe/coat cupboard in the hall that I'd been planning to do for months, threw out loads, one jacket was my daughters from 2006!

I found my winter coat and tried it on and everybody laughed, have attached some pics - good job I bought a new one as I don't think I could get away with wearing this :D

Tomorrow I'm out with TH for a run in the evening, it goes up to 8 minute run - argh....got to get through it though as our race is next Sunday, it's come round really quickly :eek:


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Oh to be my dog :confused: Been for a walk and we've called in at my mums, I've not yet been offered a cuppa and I've had to help myself to a glass of water, the dog has been played with, given a big bowl of water and she's now stood at the cooker cooking him fresh mackerel fillets that she bought for him!

Oh i know my place ;) xx
Oh to be my dog :confused: Been for a walk and we've called in at my mums, I've not yet been offered a cuppa and I've had to help myself to a glass of water, the dog has been played with, given a big bowl of water and she's now stood at the cooker cooking him fresh mackerel fillets that she bought for him!

Oh i know my place ;) xx

Too funny!!!!! :D
Wow Katie, progress all the way. Those photo's are a marvelous reflection of how far you have come.

Sorry but I won't be joining you on the marathon cos I don't like wine :D. xx
I don't like wine either but I'm sure they must have an alternative lol. May take me more than 6 hours though haha :) xx
It's been a really good day today - though I had to make my own coffee at my mums or I'd still be waiting for it now ;)

Got loads done work wise then met up with TH for week 5 run 2 of c25k, we both knew (& one of us dreaded) that it had an 8 minute run in it but neither of us knew there were two! So it was only after the first 8 minute run that we realised we had done it - we had both thought that we'd done 5 minutes!!! Felt a massive sense of achievement afterwards, it was amazing :D

I know I keep saying it but TH is a bloody star (albeit a shrinking one), there's no way that I would have done it without her so I have to give her massive hugs and thanks! :thankyou: :queen: :thankyou:

Took the dog out for another quick walk when I got back and I've just enjoyed a long hot shower - about to slap on a load of creams & potions and that's another day done xx
Well done honeybun. You did great. That 8 minute was a shocker-ooney! Can't believe we thought it was 5 minutes.

Can't wait till we get some bling in Sunday. My rules are: you have to wear ur tshirt and medal on the Monday for the day at work. Dems da rules!

That's what we did at my old place of work!

Anyway, little bum, see ya Thursday :) x
Wonderful Katie fabulous achievment, how good is that & to think you would never have been convinced about the possibility that you could be a runner a few months ago. TH truly is a motivator xx
Lol Kylie you've just ruined my plan - I'm now doing all this for a 6 1/2 hour food and wine sesh with a quick jog between each course :D x
Woah! Way to go! You're running! 8 minutes is fantastic! :) xx
Katie you are doing amazing!!

That coat picture is unbelievable!! :)
Good morning Katie. WOW at the coat pics! Truly shows how far you have come. Well done xx

Oh and you really ought to swap for a size 12 for sure :clap: