Thanks all, am very happy with it, it's fab to be in the 14's
A woman at work today who's been off since early Feb said loudly across the room 'you've lost loads of weight' - I think I went red, I just laughed and said "I'm trying" - I was really embarrassed lol.
I've done three walks today which totalled 462 calories so I'm still on the move, just walked the dog down to the allotment to meet hubby and have come back home and the house smells gorgeous as he's made a chicken casserole....shame I'm on a diet
I feel so ill Had a headache today in work and it's just getting worse, now also sore across the top of my nose, think I've got the start of sinusitis and to top it off I got totm today so now have period pain as well.....cannot wait for bedtime!
Thanks Currently lay in a hot bath full of eucalyptus bubble bath in the hopes that I can shake it off.
Got really happy before when I realised that at our last building launch at work at the beginning of Feb I was a stone heavier than I will be at our launch of the next one on Friday....that was enough to make me smile despite the headache
I might delete these at some point but thought I'd attach a couple of face photos to see whether you can see much of a difference. The first was taken last November / early December and the second one was taken last week.
Yes I can see a real difference - particularly around the cheeks and chin! It i great to have a visual of your achievements. Keep at it you are doing so well!
Wow Katie, there is a big difference. Looking in the mirror you may not be able to tell so much but the photo's clearly show how the shape of your face is changing. Well done xx
Thanks everyone Just showed it to hubby and he was shocked lol.
Well you might not have me here for long, have just agreed to go to the roller rink with some friends from work in a couple of weeks.....might be hard to type when in traction
My daughter started on Exante today and she's joined this group (Mrs DKT), can't say she's loving it so far, she had the apple porridge and didn't think that much but thankfully she loved the spag Bol......said she's having it for breakfast lol