Trying hard 2014
Gold Member
Have a lovely day mrs
Happy Sunday Katie! Looking forward to hearing how you and TH get on with your 28 days at the gym.
Hope you're going to put Katie through her paces TH!
The only way I'll ever run rings round you mrs is if I'm running while eating a doughnutHa! No, nice n easy to begin with. She will be running rings around me in a weekx
Been okay today Susie, was in work from 7:30 - 4:30 then at the meal with friends and have just got in....not been the best steps wise thoughHow's today going Katie. Tomorrow's the big dayx
Hope ur having a nice time with ur budsx
I did thanks and now currently enjoying sitting chatting to you on the phonexx
I did thanks and now currently enjoying sitting chatting to you on the phonexx
You never know Katie, you may surprise yourself at the gym. I'm sure TH will be gentle & you can rest in between if you need to.
Good luck with TSing tomorrow, just keep thinking holiday xx