I'm soooooo annoyed with myself.

I've been rubbish the past couple of days, don't know whats come over me. I've done OK mealwise but every evening I've had chocolate or biscuits and i'm not talking the small amount that you can syn....i'm talking biiiiiig bar of dairy milk!!!

And several chocolate digestives:break_diet:
I feel so disappointed with myself, I always seem to do this. I have a few good weightlosses and then go silly and eat cr*p for days on end. I wake up the morning after feeling dreadful about what i've done and then I'm stuck in the horrid cycle of feeling rubbish and eating more because I feel rubbish arghhhhh. I even got on the scales this morning to see 3lb up!!! That just made me feel worse....why did I weigh myself??? Its like i'm in self destruct mode or something. :cry:
Anyway, I am desperately trying to get myself back on track today, hence the big confession. I've figured if I just avoid syns right up until WI on Tuesday, I may be able to undo some of the damage.
:wave_cry:So sorry to anyone reading for such a negative post but I felt I needed to fess up so I could move on and get back on track.

Feel free to give me the kick up the bum I need lol