HI Sarah
I do like Pilates

- She charging 4.50 a session 3/4 hr - not sure if thats a bit of an overcharge? but I do find it helps - I'm not one to get all sweaty. Plus I do the exercises at home with the little ball - which is good - I have a bad knee which stops me from doing any real exercise

- so I decided to give Pilates a go - helps keep you supple etc..
I haven't got WII fit - so can't do any of those exercises.
Kitty - is fine now - she still has her moments but we think she is doing this for attention or for more treats or to stay in a bit longer - little madam - she is lovely though....
How you doing - Yoga is good for posture too.
Food for today after yesterdays cake fest.
Bkft: Fruit and Yogurt plus 2 x toast HEXB
Mid Morn: Banana and Grapes
Lunch: SW Quiche plus salad, Fruit and Yogurt.
Mid afternoon: French Fries (5) Apple.
Dinner: Cottage pie topped with swede and potato, Veg.
2 Digestive biscuits (7)
Hope to follow this to the letter....
Have a good day