Spent the day taking advantage of this nice weather and got my garden back from its winter state. Lots of mowing, weeding, digging and planting. Very productive. Just had a few moments where I had to stop for a bit because I was horribly dizzy :/ Woo. Ah well, everything is much nicer now and I have my basil and mint planted up ready for when I'm off this diet and able to mojito it up with a nice calabrese salad Nothing quite like picking your own, fresh from the garden.
I know it's late but fantastic weight loss....that is truly magical!,
pwell done and I am sure you will be shopping to your heats content soon in Primark
TOTM again It always makes me so grumpy (yay hormones). But another 2 Lb off this week, and officially down two dress sizes top and bottom So I can't be too grouchy. I'm a total pear so 20 on botton and 14 on top now (shrink please, bum!)
It was the same loss this time last month too, so I can't say I'm disappointed with it, especially with the way my clothing is going too. It's definitely positive. I'm just a grumpy-knickers at the moment! It'll pass And that 2stone badge will be mine very soon!
Annnnd 16's! Just barely, but still I don't normally weigh this frequently, but I need the little morale boosts at the moment. It's the busiest time of year at work and while I oddly enjoy most of it, it's killing off braincells left and right (and there weren't that many there to start with lol).
Also think I might finally have found a coffee place in town that doesn't horribly burn it. Success! I don't buy them out much (because £2+ for a black coffee is silly really) but sometimes it's a treat to get through the day. Better when it doesn't taste of doom. Thank you, tiny local coffee shop.
The shop around the corner from me has just got a timmy hortons coffee machine in! Roll on lunch time til I can go and try it cus I loved it in Canada!!
Totally loved Tim Horton's when I've been in Canada. I didn't know there were any over here at all! Now I need to try and see if I can find anything nearby