Lovely day yesterday. The weather held just, was a little cool, so we managed a BBQ. Salmon was delicious, I was going to be a bit naughty and have about 150g (my calories allowed it in the planner) but my youngest kept stealing some so bet I only got 100g in the end anyway!
The more I do this the more my brain is resetting on portion control and how easy ultra healthy meals are with just a little planning. I would happily have grilled fish and salad off plan, as I would happily just use a babybel for my cheese portion rather than the large hunks of cheese I used to think necessary to make a meal.
I think I will re-read the Beck solution, to try and reinforce some of these thoughts before I finish my journey with s&s.
I don't know if it's this diet or something else, but I feel ultra organised at the moment. Yesterday on top of sorting stuff for the BBQ I got loads of stuff done, things I feel like I've been putting off for ages. I sat down last night and felt very calm, I actually enjoyed watching a programme on TV without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else. I'm sure it made my bar taste nicer too!
Have a good day everyone