Day 8 refeed
Wasn't feeling too great this morning, it started lastnight after having chicken roast dinner. I had my gall bladder out many years ago, so don't handle oily food very well, but those roast spuds and the chicken roasted with the skin on lastnight did me no favours and was more oily that I anticipated. Had indigestion when I woke up this morning so a lesson learned there
3pm - choc shake (couldn't face it any earlier in light of the above)
5pm - chicken breast and salad including lettuce, rocket, onion, tomato, mange tout, cucumber and balsamic vinegar and small bunch of grapes and a small satsuma
Supper (9pm ish) I've made a vegie soup/stew with onions, garlic, courgettes, mange tout, mushrooms and a tin of tomatoes, salt n pepper. Smelled delish when I made it earlier and will have a bowl of that with some new baby potatoes and chicken breast. I think I'm going to turn into a chicken breast soon

Told you it's going to be boring!!