Oh Kay what are we like , I was like this yesterday and you helped me and pulled me through it , aswell as everyone else did ,
Now were here saying the same to you ,
Why do we do this to our selves ?
I agree the gain is not a weight gain is just a fluctuation that will be gone soon enough ,
I didn't throw the towel in yesterday , and believe me I was close ,
I'm ready today to start the challenge ,
I know where your coming from re cals and eating less , especially me at the moment home all day,
I eat big portions and I too am questioning eating fruit as snacks , and therefor adding more cals , I have started buying carrots and celery to munch on as lower cals , but will I want to munch celery this week and have celery soup ? We will see,
I know we won't ever break away from how important that bloody number going down is , that's how we are ,
But continue doing what you do so well , you have done amazing your stats are brilliant ,
Hope the walk gives you a chance to think things through lovely,
Take care my friend
Catch you later ,
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