Gold Member
Afternoon everyone, so I tried to weigh myself this morning before going to group, but my scales kept flashing `L0' then it weighed me at ridiculous numbers. Turns out I wasn't aware my scales have been running on low battery this week. I remember Daz once mentioned, when that happens the scales can give you false readings. When I had my Chinese the next morning my scales showed a 2lb gain, but when I looked back I only had 8 syns for my meal out and I thought I made good food choices ...
... well I did because I lost 4.5lbs !!Yay !
Whose a happy bunny ! :bliss:
I seriously need to buy a new battery for my scales !
I think the loss has a lot to do with the gym, the water I've been drinking and the Soup Challenge, even though its only been 2 days, the fibre is keeping the pf by my side.
I am now 3.5 lbs away from my 4.5 stone award ! I hope to have that in the bag by next week !
I've met my Easter Challenge too, I've lost 22lbs so far and if I didn't have that 3lb gain last week, that would have been 25lbs. Anyway I still have one more weigh in to go, yippee !
I'm so so happy today, thank you everyone for your kind wishes and support, I really appreciate it. I'm loving the soup challenge and after coming back from group today, I've already got a new batch of soup on the hob, loving my soups yum yum.
Okay now for something different ...
Has someone died in Eastenders, or is about to ? Your probably thinking, what does this have to do with anything ? Well for the last 2 weeks we have had to move to a building further up the road to attend group, rather than the normal church hall we use. Turns out the Eastenders film crew have hired the Church for 2 weeks. I don't watch Eastenders myself, but my C revealed the whole plot that their filming to the group and some of the girls were really upset because they didn't want to know :giggle: I couldn't stop laughing. Well its a female that dies and they are filming her funeral. My C did mention the name of the character but whoopsie I forgot. Now if you all start shouting names at me I might remember !
Hope your all having a smashing day ! Now will go and update my stats, will be back in a mo to reply to you all.
Kay xx
That's a brilliant loss Kay - well done a truly amazing feat and ur gonna get that 4.5 stone in a blink!!
And a lesson for us all about the scales (esp me!) yes buy some batteries pls! The next time I get a truly 'unfair' reading on mine - first thing I'll do is change the batteries (instead of having a temper tantrum LOL!)
Perhaps we shd have a no WI at home challenge!!