Afternoon Everyone :wavey:,
Thank you so much for all your get well wishes, your all so kind. I had my operation on Wednesday morning. I am back home and my sister has taken some time off and is looking after me. My bedside table looks like a pharmacy

, I'm on lots of medication and the doc has given me 3-4 weeks recovery time. I am taking strong pain killers for the pain, it has side effects which stops the pf from coming for a few days

so they have given me medicine for that too, to keep the pf regular. I have a dressing which gets changed several times a day, on my lower back where the surgeon made the incision, it is bloody painful when it has to be changed

. They said as the wound heals the pain will get less. I have regular baths in Epsom salts to heal the wound, but when I do that, it stings like hell

, I just have to bare it. I am on complete bed rest and taking it easy. They are calling me back in 4 weeks for a consultation. Unfortunately they said I will need another follow up operation in a few months time. I was hoping this would be it I will recover and be able to go back to work, but does not look like it :sigh:. I cried a lot at home at the thought that there is more to come, but my sister has talked sense into me and I know I will have to be patient and get this done, its for the long term good. The date for my next Op maybe in a few month time, I will have a better idea at the consultation appointment in 4 weeks. I think I will write this year off

just work on getting my health better and 2nd Op out of the way. Then 2015, new me , new start

, that gives me time to get to target by the end of this year.
In terms of my diet I am not following the slimming world plan, I am doing the `Eat what your sister makes you plan '

. I have to rely on her to make my meals and she does not like cooking spray. She uses oil in the food and has got me back to eating 3 meals a day, carbs and snacks. My hunger has come back and I can really see I'm puffing out. Stepped on the scales this morning, I'm 3lbs up

. Don't know if its the meds bloating me or that I'm just a few days away from TOTM. I know I will be feeling even worse when I come on my monthly's, the cramps are the last thing I need along with the pain I am in already. I am not sleeping at night either. My sleeping pattern is messed up at the moment because I am too aware of the pain. Oh well will just have to grin and bare it :cry:.
The only thing I have kept up with is drinking 2 Litres a day. I am still using plant nanny. Vonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnie my Cactus nearly died but I saved it

. I hope your all doing well and enjoying this lovely weather

. I will try and come on again in a few days, it is hard for me to sit up and type, I am doing this very slowly. I hope to catch up on your diaries eventually. Until then take care and hopefully speak with you all soon. Have a smashing June. I miss u all lots

Hugs Kay xx