Evening everyone :wavey:,
I hope you are all well. Just an update from me on what I've been upto. My back is still poorly

lot of pain, taking lots of bed rest. To make things worse, TOTM fairy has landed today too

, don't know what's worse, sleeping on my back or my tum tonight. I have stepped on the scales this morning and have gained 4lbs

. I'm now 11stones. I have decided to take the month of August off SW, my doc has told me to rest too. I will resume with my weightloss in September. I am also thinking of taking off my 5.5 stone sticker as I am more near to 5 stone now and don't feel I deserve it :sigh:. I will change my stats too

. If I can manage to keep 5 stone off in August I will be ok. I will have to work in September again to get my 5.5 stone award back

. I am going to speak to my C in the morning about returning to group next month, I can provide her with my docs note if she needs it, hopefully she will be ok.
On a happier note I got my new slow cooker

. They didn't have the one I wanted in stock so managed to find one that was less in price and had very good reviews and it was generous in size, 3.5 L

. It is by Cookworks and here is a pic :-
I have already made a quick quorn curry in it

. I made Quorn Mince curry with Okra ( I love Okra) it was super yummy ! I had it with basmati rice, here it is :-
I will defo be making loads more in it and it was syn free

. On the subject of quorn, I do love my bargains and I am in love with that website `mysupermarket.com ' it sources out all the best deals for you !

Look what I found ...
Tesco are doing a 500g bag of big value Quorn Mince for only £1.50

I went crazy and stocked up on loads !! Here is the link :-
Quorn Mince 500G - Groceries - Tesco Groceries also ...
Morrisons are doing the Quorn Chicken Fillets for 94p only, normally they are £1.50

going to buy loads of these tomorrow ! Here is the link :-
Morrisons: Quorn Fillets 312g(Product Information)
I will make some yummy food with the chicken and mince, still thinking of some recipes in my head. Will post pics in the week of my eats

Nothing else much exciting happening with me. I have managed to catch up on my pm's challenge thread and my diary today, but its been ages since I've caught up on all of your diaries. Hopefully if my back permits, I'm planning on doing that tomorrow. I hope you are all well and having a lovely week

Kay xx