Evening everyone

, another flying visit from the bunny. Oh dear oh dear, too much eating going on since my cousins have landed

. I'm trying to be good but its proving very difficult

On a positive note my doc has ok'd me to going back to the gym with some light exercise

yay !
Ok onto food ... so far we have had dinner at mums, sister made a lovely Dal Curry cooked the traditional Indian way (lots of oil) and a gorgeous mushroom curry, all served with basmati rice and cucumber raita. Here are the pics of the curry :-
View attachment 151479 Yummy Mushroom Curry
View attachment 151480 Dal Curry (Lentil curry)
I made a lovely Moroccan style couscous with Quorn Chicken, which I had, and avoided the curries, all healthy and SW friendly, they loved it too and it was gorgeous !
View attachment 151481 Moroccan style Couscous with Quorn SW friendly
For today I went to the gym and did some exercise so felt a bit better then we all met for lunch and went to this lovely Turkish Restaurant called KEVRAN, here are some pics :-
View attachment 151483View attachment 151484 View attachment 151485 View attachment 151486
For tomorrow we are going to Stratford Westfield Shopping centre and think we will be eating at the Mexican restaurant there called Wahaca

. Pics to follow

Just as well my gym is 24 hour 7 days a week, I feel like such a piggy bunny

Hope your all well, miss you all loads. Hope your all having a lovely week. Speak soon

Kay xx