Gold Member
Ooh dentist, yuck!Hope all goes well xxx
It was ok, just one numbing injection, the bunny can't talk :ignore:...but she can type :character00148:
Ooh dentist, yuck!Hope all goes well xxx
Well done on the loss Kay, it just shows those challenges really do help x
Well done on the loss
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Evening Kay - hope the dentist went well?
How are you chick x
Lucky u - I was only joking about no more hols - I love them (apart from putting weight on - but that's not the hol's fault is it??!!)I've got another one coming up in two weeksxx
Hope your moth is ok after the dentist had his/her evil way with you?I hate going to the dentist!
I'm ok thanks L, got a lot of things to keep me busy with now, good job I have soup left over, don't think I can munch with my tooth right now
...oh it's Monday ! I forgot to put the bins out !the highlight of my day
, back in a tick :superwoman: xx
I hate dentists :cry:It was ok, just one numbing injection, the bunny can't talk :ignore:...but she can type :character00148:xx
Hey everyone,
I am running a new quarterly challenge with Sheila, a countdown to 2015. Its a 3 month challenge, anyone can join. Here is the link.
Kay xx
http://www.minimins.com/slimming-wor...d-one-all.html (Quarterly Challenge - Welcome Aboard One And All)
Hope your not in pain after the dentist now injection worn off ,
Night night sis xxx
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Morning Hun
Love ya xxxx
Just off to chans
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Good afternoon Kayxx
Lucky u - I was only joking about no more hols - I love them (apart from putting weight on - but that's not the hol's fault is it??!!)
Hope your moth is ok after the dentist had his/her evil way with you?I hate going to the dentist!
Yes its afternoon now, I've finally caught up on diaries/ posts/ pm's/ challenges / and anything else
...I hereby rule that typing should be counted as body magic ! :character00148:
I'm off out now for my walk, hope you have a fab day hun.
Kay xx