I'm quite lucky in that my parents generally are supportive (though when I did salad challenge my mum didn't understand 'no carbs' lol). My dad also pulls me off the wagon at the pub.. But neither are offended when I have a burst of willpower and say no.
OH's parents on other hand can be bad- pile his plate high, force feed/ guilt trip desserts, eggs are bad, fruit is bad, pasta is bad... They don't understand sw tho![]()
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that it can be tricky when those around us physically don't 'get it' so you have to rely on your sw/minis friends! It's not worth falling out over, so just don't go crazy, draw the line and the bunny will bounce backx
lol, yes... I'm exaggerating. The horse ran away because there weren't any biscuits left.
Anyway, our internet is rubbish tonight and pages are taking forever to refresh, so I'm going to give in and go to bed, I'd rather end this day early rather than late. Night all and try and enjoy your day tomorrow Kay, it is only ONE day after all and not worth falling out over xx
Poor Kay - ur in a difficult position - I agree with ur plan to do ur best and draw a line and start again - families - drive u nuts but we can't do without them hey?! If only we could crack the reason why we all seem to have iron willpower one minute then the next we're gobbling everything in sight!
I think you'll be fine after the 'do' but pls keep posting - we're all safe whilst we're on here but when we stay away we![]()
Ahh I have seen this look too.. There's also the 'what?! No pudding?!' Look- that's a tough one lol.
Bed time for me too, its been a long day again and my back is sore :-/ must call chiropractor.
Night night Kay, have fun tomorrow xx
I feel I need to charge in on a horse and yell All for one and one for all or something like that![]()
Okie tokie, think I will sign off for the night from my diary, going to finish some work on the threads then bed. Night night everyone. Kay xx <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=155804"/>Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! xx
Night night sis xxx
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Night Kay sleep well will catch up on diaries tomorrow I have the day to myself hehe x
Good Morning Kay, You aren't alone my Mum is like that too. She has a sweet tooth so every cup of tea arrives with 2 slices of cake or treat. Always offended if you say no and I always had to clear my plate when I was a child.
Just draw a line under your meal and start again. You will be fine we are all with you. xxx
Hope your day goes well Kay and if you do have to eat enjoy it and then forget it! Xx
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