Kay's journey to health and happiness

Greetings everyone :D,

Think I've caught up on diaries now, just need to catch up on my own later this evening. Got a few things to do at the mo, will come on later after xfactor to update. Hope your all having a lovely evening :):).

Kay xx
Good luck Bunny! I'm sure you'll go with your gut and make the best choice you can. Looove the Halloween Bunny!

I'm always reading, promise, just so very bad at replying to threads!

Hey Em's hope your well lovely, Gilly is back :p woohoo ! but now Pixie's gone lol, everyone keeps coming and going on mins :D don't u go anywhere now :p hehe xx
WAHEY! What pressies are you gonna buy us with your first pay?! ;)

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Ps. I saw this and thought of you

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I think your choice of pressie is fab, how can I top that ? :D Love the jumper L :p xx
Wooooop congrats lovely! Enjoy your well deserved Chinese :) xxxx

Thanks Kally :) Chinese was super yum ! Hope your feeling better now lovely ;) xx
Fab news. So pleased for you. I've not been around much as work been hectic so going to catch up with the rest of your news

Shelley x

Omg I've been seeing your losses on the challenge Shelley :eek::D the bunny is truly amazed ! Your doing super hun, well done to you and pls can you pass on some of your slimming vibes this way :vibes::p they are much needed ! hehe xx
Hi Kay, just stopping by to sub :)
Good luck with your job too :)
And wow you have one busy diary lol, been reading some here and there but i'm lost lol :D

You found me :D. Well done to you and your daughter, your both doing super on the plan ! :p Hope you don't find my diary too much of a mad house :p proceed with caution, I am a nutty bunny ! :D hehe xx
Change of plan feeling rather sleepy, will post on my diary in the morning with an update on what's been going on this week, some good stuff and some not so good :rolleyes:.

Night night everyone, sleep well :).

Kay xx


* EDITED The clocks go back 1 hour tomorrow :eek: don't forget peeps ! xx
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