Kay's journey to health and happiness

Hello everyone :wavey:,

Thank you for all your lovely messages, I really do appreciate it. This is another flying visit from me, just a quick update on what's been going on. My aunty is feeling better thanks and making progress, I feel less stressed than I did last week. Also my sister arrived today from America to spend Christmas with us, yay ! :D In terms of the plan its a big fat F for the bunny :rolleyes: FAIL. No doubt there will be lots of eating going on over December. I have left my SW group and have decided to start fresh in the new year.

I have about 2 stone left to lose to get to target. If I'm being honest, the thought has crossed my mind to switch over from SW to a different plan, haven't quite decided which one yet but will think about it in the new year. I feel I want a brand new start with something different. I think its time for a change for the bunny :bunnydance: .

I hope your all well, I've seen the amazing losses on the challenge thread, they are brill, your all doing so well :). I need the inspiration to get started in Jan, so thanks for that :p. I hope to catch up with you all real soon. Have a lovely week ! :D

Kay xx

Hello everyone :wavey:,

Thank you for all your lovely messages, I really do appreciate it. This is another flying visit from me, just a quick update on what's been going on. My aunty is feeling better thanks and making progress, I feel less stressed than I did last week. Also my sister arrived today from America to spend Christmas with us, yay ! :D In terms of the plan its a big fat F for the bunny :rolleyes: FAIL. No doubt there will be lots of eating going on over December. I have left my SW group and have decided to start fresh in the new year.

I have about 2 stone left to lose to get to target. If I'm being honest, the thought has crossed my mind to switch over from SW to a different plan, haven't quite decided which one yet but will think about it in the new year. I feel I want a brand new start with something different. I think its time for a change for the bunny :bunnydance: .

I hope your all well, I've seen the amazing losses on the challenge thread, they are brill, your all doing so well :). I need the inspiration to get started in Jan, so thanks for that :p. I hope to catch up with you all real soon. Have a lovely week ! :D

Kay xx


glad to hear ur feeling less stressed, ur Aunt is feeling better and ur sis is coming over - a good recipe for a good Christmas break!

Good idea to think of a change of tack in the New Year! We all know when u have ur dieting head on u can shift 2stone in a flash!! Hope u have a good week!! xx
Hey bunny, it's good that your aunt is feeling better. She must appreciate your visits so much! Lovely that your sis will be over for Christmas too. I hope you and your family have a fab time together and then you feel ready to kick some butt in 2015, whichever plan you decide to go with. Your mins friends will be here to support and encourage you again.

Don't be too much of a stranger here if you can help it hun cos we do miss you :hug99:xxx
2015 is going to be The Year of the Superslim Bunny I think and hopefully your Mins friends will all be getting slimmer too. Glad your Aunt is better hun and think you've got your priorities right at the moment. Enjoy seeing lots of your Sis while you can. :) xx
Hello everyone :wavey:,

Thank you for all your lovely messages, I really do appreciate it. This is another flying visit from me, just a quick update on what's been going on. My aunty is feeling better thanks and making progress, I feel less stressed than I did last week. Also my sister arrived today from America to spend Christmas with us, yay ! :D In terms of the plan its a big fat F for the bunny :rolleyes: FAIL. No doubt there will be lots of eating going on over December. I have left my SW group and have decided to start fresh in the new year.

I have about 2 stone left to lose to get to target. If I'm being honest, the thought has crossed my mind to switch over from SW to a different plan, haven't quite decided which one yet but will think about it in the new year. I feel I want a brand new start with something different. I think its time for a change for the bunny :bunnydance: .

I hope your all well, I've seen the amazing losses on the challenge thread, they are brill, your all doing so well :). I need the inspiration to get started in Jan, so thanks for that :p. I hope to catch up with you all real soon. Have a lovely week ! :D

Kay xx


Lovely to have a Bunny update. Good that your Aunt is better. Have a fabulous time with your sister and your family.

I think the Bunny will be back in style in 2015. Please keep letting us know how you're doing as we miss you xxx

2015 is going to be The Year of the Superslim Bunny I think and hopefully your Mins friends will all be getting slimmer too.

Love the idea of Superslim Bunny & her Skinny Minimins friends :D
Hi Kay - hope work and life is ok this week :) xx
Four-thed! Well it's the weekend Kay - expect u have lots to do and people to see - has ur sis arrived I wonder - enjoy ur weekendxx
Greetings everyone ! :D

Christmas cards all delivered to mins friends = TICK ! :p:p:p

hehe, I have had fun this afternoon :bunnydance: . I hope your all well, I'm missing everyone loads ! I'm sure your all having a fab time :D. Another flying visit from me, I'm going to go over to the challenge thread to update in a minute, your all doing so well in December :eek: :p shame on me, I wont start on my list of goodies :hide: (hangs head in shame). Well I think January will probably be a fresh start for me. I'm already trying to prepare my mind to be strong, because right now parting with Lindt chocolate is like telling the bunny to stop breathing, who would do that ? :eek: that's just cruel :sigh: :D.

My sister is going back next week to Texas, we have had so much fun since she came, I will be sad once she's gone but am looking forward to my turn to see her in Texas next year, can't wait :D I will certainly not be a `Ten Ton Tessie ' when I go on my hols :eek:, need to kick some serious butt in Jan and lose some weight.

Me thinks bunny will be on a mission ! :p

Hope you all have a lovely week ahead. Thank you for all your lovely messages, I may not get time to reply to each and everyone, but I do read them all :). I will be on mins a lot more in Jan. I still haven't decided which plan I'm going to follow, but as soon as I commit, I will defo be sharing it with you all on here .

Have a lovely Christmas everyone and speak soon !

Lots of love
Kay xx

Glad you are well !
And looks like a good plan for January!
And at least you have a good goal to aim for now, visiting your sister :)
I have every faith that you will reach your goal too :)

Have a very good Christmas, Enjoy! x

Greetings everyone ! :D

Christmas cards all delivered to mins friends = TICK ! :p:p:p

hehe, I have had fun this afternoon :bunnydance: . I hope your all well, I'm missing everyone loads ! I'm sure your all having a fab time :D. Another flying visit from me, I'm going to go over to the challenge thread to update in a minute, your all doing so well in December :eek: :p shame on me, I wont start on my list of goodies :hide: (hangs head in shame). Well I think January will probably be a fresh start for me. I'm already trying to prepare my mind to be strong, because right now parting with Lindt chocolate is like telling the bunny to stop breathing, who would do that ? :eek: that's just cruel :sigh: :D.

My sister is going back next week to Texas, we have had so much fun since she came, I will be sad once she's gone but am looking forward to my turn to see her in Texas next year, can't wait :D I will certainly not be a `Ten Ton Tessie ' when I go on my hols :eek:, need to kick some serious butt in Jan and lose some weight.

Me thinks bunny will be on a mission ! :p

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Hope you all have a lovely week ahead. Thank you for all your lovely messages, I may not get time to reply to each and everyone, but I do read them all :). I will be on mins a lot more in Jan. I still haven't decided which plan I'm going to follow, but as soon as I commit, I will defo be sharing it with you all on here .

Have a lovely Christmas everyone and speak soon !

Lots of love
Kay xx


Glad to hear u sounding so upbeat! A great idea to go to Texas - a great motivator to lose weight! I'll look forward to hearing what ur 2015 diet regime's going to be!! Enjoy ur work break and time with ur familyxx
Lovely to hear from you - I was giggling in the supermarket this morning thinking about your (and my own) Lindt addiction

Was going to buy one of these for my Dad but decided I didn't trust myself with it in the house!

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Not sure why two vesions & its not clear but its a giant Lindor ball filled with them :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

..my god Shelley ! my mouth would be like a Dyson hoover at that lot ! :eek::eek::eek::D:D:D xx