Hello lovelyyou look like you've had another great day on plan, food looking good. X
Hey Sheila, well done on such a fab loss and you won biggest loser ! I'm so happy for you :bliss: ! So well deserved. Your foodage was really good this week and you kept at it despite the pain and discomfort you were in at times. I really feel for you and hope you have another smashing loss this week hun and then not long now before you reach target, yay ! :talk017:
Kay xx
Wow your food for today looks lush. That cheesecake looks amazing. Will have to try that onexx
Thanks Lmn, I really enjoyed my food today, espesh the frittata and my lovely cheesecake. Do give the cheesecake a try, I promise it will become a favourite in your houseand its so simple and easy to make and tastes so lush. The flavours you can mix up according to the options sachets so you can have choc mint, caramel, hazelnut, white chocolate, choc orange, choc cherry, whichever flavour cheesecake you fancy, yum yum !
Kay xx
Thanks Kay hun - I felt Id had a really good week so was hoping for a loss. The guy who sits next to me said today - do you think you have lost? I said well even if I havn't I feel THINNER even if I don't feel LIGHTER so we shall see lol.
Just need to dig in now and get the last of it off x
I do find exercise gives you more energy but you have to keep doing a bit more or rather more intensity as you get use to it. I find it does help me cope with the long shifts like today has been 11hrs I couldn't imagine not exercising though, even if it's just walking to the shops I like that. Are you still thinking of buying some gym equipment or going to the gym?
I think it can only be good as long as you don't rely on it solely for the weight loss I still think diet is key but the health benefits are worth it to me. Just looks at princess she's done amazing hasn't she? I like classes like Zumba too, just see how you go and mix it up, take it easy and enjoy it xx
Evening H, it's so good to hear you sounding so focused and positive about the plan. I really hope you have a smashing loss this week hun and all your hard work pays off ! Thanks for sending me some positive vibes
I really need them this week ! Hope your having a lovely evening hun.
Kay xx