Gold Member
Well, OK then, but don't be long now, will you?Maybe we should see about getting you the equivalent of a security tag around your ankle so that we can keep tabs on you.....
Seriously, though, it's wonderful to have you back on here, and you're doing absolutely the right thing to give yourself a breather from the plan and give yourself a chance to get back into the right head space before going back to it.
Hugs to you,
H xx
...a security tag around my ankle ?? :8855: pmsl !! H your just too funeee ! I nearly choked on my tea ! :giggle:
Thanks I am enjoying my week off, I kind of feel guilty for doing so, but I'm trying not to overthink it in my head . Well done on your weekly shop, was catching up on your diary, you'll soon be cooking some yummy meals, I'd love to see some food pics please, I'm always hungry I am
Kay xx
Kay xx