You look fab. Your weight loss is super. I bet you feel a million dollars now! It takes a while to adjust after working so hard to get to your goal.
Good luck with maintaining.
Right I shall be AWOL for a couple of days unless I get a chance to get on from my phone. 2 days in London, both being quite stressful but it is fun too. See you sometime on Wednesday. Be good all x x x
I had 2 half glasses of wine during the evening and got a little tipsy I must admit, although I could blame it on being really tired
I've not been much of a drinker for quite some time as I usually got a burning pain in my stomach from alcohol and I couldn't work out whether it was stress/food or what related so mostly avoided it. No sign of any issues this time but will take it easy. Will be nice if my stomach has sorted itself out while on LT x x x
I'm 'fessing up. Had such a bad day yesterday and the scales don't love me at all today First TOTM since off LT and I feel really really crap. Really sore tummy so all I've wanted to do is eat to make myself feel better arrrggghhh!!
Emma's right, how many times have you told people to move forward, what's done is done so don't dwell on it! It'll take time to get used to times like this. At least you know for the future that you'll have cravings during your totm and have have healthy "bad" foods in the house to have. The scales don't like you cas its your totm so don't be panicing, you're doing great, its just about getting a balance
Hi Kay Its not the end of the world at the end of the day:bighug:Hope you are feeling beter today. TOTM wont last forewer. I read that sugar can cause bingeing and not feeling satisfied with even big amount of food. And wine has lots of sugar in it. Its not your quilty of bad day just instincts working
Still not sure about it and would prefer it longer!! Got quite a lot of new growth coming thru which seems a lot curlier and makes me roll my eyes lol Hopefully it will straighten out as it grows but I hold little hope in the matter
BTW I see you've just got weighed week2. Don't worry about it being low this week, it often happens after the shock of week1 so don't feel disheartened. We all have those moments when we question whether we're doing the right diet, and I promise you are. Just stick with it, it really does work. You and I are are similar height and I started off heavier than you so it's deffo possible to shift it x x x