week 3
day 2
well it is true what everybody says
after week 2 it gets easier
i`m really coping with ss now
no urges to pick and feeling better in myself
my mind is still focused and although i sometimes fancy food i can still say to myself nope you can have it when your slimmer
plus the shakes are yummy now
i look forward to them
never thought i`d say that in my 1st week
funny how tatse buds adapt
going to the doctors today as the spots are really bad now
very sore and all the over the counter remedies are doing sod all
i look awful outside but feel great inside
got another pair of jeans on today just standing up and pulling the zip
no laying on the bed screaming for help cos my tummy got pinched
also found the fat over my bra deosn`t hang over like it used to i can actually see a shape to my back
even though i still have a long way to go i am getting my waist back all be it a big waist but it is there
hubby is home today and he`s just cooked himself a bacon sarnie :drool:
my mouth could taste every smell but i sat happily with my shake
still cant believe what a difference getting past week 2 can do for you
as long as you dont cheat in them 2 weeks the next few months will be much easier
well going to browse the boards now
from a happy little me






