Kazz's free dress diary! The new mission is to fit into the suitcase...

Oh my good lord, I had no idea how long it was since I updated my diary!

After my shenanigans in Spain and Dublin I managed to put on 2.5lb, but at my weigh in last week I had lost 3lb, so that gives me an overall loss of 8.5lb, which to be honest is a horrendously miserable amount to have lost since Jan and I really am disgusted with myself. I should have lost a stone by now, but my lackadasiness has meant I am where I am now.

My mum has lost 12lb, so I am a few lb behind her, my only saving grace is she only has another stone to lose, so her loss will start slowing down.

My sister has been consistently putting on weight so I am not worried about her in my competition, however she has started a new role in work which could see her eclipse us both at any time!!

Started my new job 2 weeks ago and it is great. Everyone is lovely. I also made what is for me, a momentous decision.....I told people that I am doing ww and trying to lose weight. Now, on the face of it this is not a big deal. But no matter what diet I have done in the past I have never admitted to anyone that I was dieting or attempting to lose weight, even exculding my family from that knowledge wherever possible. So for me, this is a HUGE big deal, and I think it is helping me.

Food wise, I have been eating porridge for brekkie as usual, 0 point soup for lunch, with a bread roll, and making fruit salad every couple of days and having that as an afternoon snack. I have also been having a hot cross bun as a kid morning snack, and then my dinner in the evening. Have also been drinking more water and hopefully this will pay dividends.

I decided to up what points I used during the day, as I was saving loads for the evening, and as a result was either not usng enough points or using too much, so my theory is that if I eat more regulalrly during the day, I will feel fuller in the evening and then I will be unlikely to binge in the evening.

I also feel that being open with people I work with about my plan is a great achievement, I work in a very big office with a very small number of staff, and 2 of the ladies that work there are quite overweight. One goes on 'oh I will be skinny one day' but I can tell that she is not willing to do anything about it, and the other lady is trying to lose weight as well, so we are chatting and sharing tips and asking how each other are getting on so its a nice bit of support in work.

Hoping for a good weigh in this week, I need to up my game as well though and need to exercise more, but my new job has really drained me so I have no energy in the evenings so I will need to get up earlier and go on the wii in the mornings!!
well firslty 2.5 lbs after a week in spain AND a few days in dublin is brilliant-i put on double that on a weeks holday in devon!!
also dont be too hard on yourself about you overall loss, every one losses at different rates.

I'm so pleased you have had to courage to tell people what you are up to diet wise you'll probably find that they will be supportive. one of my colleagues is also doing ww but to be honest we are as bad as each other!!

good luck for the comming week, you food plans sound ok, hvae to admit i do use most of my points during the day and rarely snack in the evenning but thats me, and the great thing about this diet is that you can make it suit you,but its definately worth trying different things to shake it up a bit
I meant to add something that has made me feel quite sad, I have been feeling so bad about my meagre weight loss that I was actually contemplating going down the vlcd path again. I have been feeling like I have so much to lose that at this rate it will take me 3 years to do it, and I really really wanted to have a good chunk gone this year and continue with it next year.

I have so much to aim for, I have my daughters communion, my friends wedding in september, my trip to vegas in september, yet it seems that these are not inspiting me enough to actually lose the weight either.

The vlcd demons that I battled with for the last 2 years are coming back into my head again, telling me that the only solution to my problem is to follow a vlcd again. It sounds pathetic, but it really really does sadden me, and I am totally unsure how to get past this. I KNOW that ww works, and I KNOW that I need to stick at it to see the results, but I also KNOW that I could lose around 5lb a week with a vlcd, and I KNOW how hard i found CD last time I did it, but my head is just all over the place at the minute and I think I need to spend some time over the weekend trying to get my head straight, but I have no idea how to do that
well firslty 2.5 lbs after a week in spain AND a few days in dublin is brilliant-i put on double that on a weeks holday in devon!!
also dont be too hard on yourself about you overall loss, every one losses at different rates.

I'm so pleased you have had to courage to tell people what you are up to diet wise you'll probably find that they will be supportive. one of my colleagues is also doing ww but to be honest we are as bad as each other!!

good luck for the comming week, you food plans sound ok, hvae to admit i do use most of my points during the day and rarely snack in the evenning but thats me, and the great thing about this diet is that you can make it suit you,but its definately worth trying different things to shake it up a bit

Thanks Jane, I have the support of my family, but its hard cos they are all in Ireland, and I feel that my mum and sister are able to support each other on a daily basis and all I get is the weekly weigh in phone call!! I dont want to always be seen as the big girl in work so I really am hopeful that I will get some more support from there!!
Hiya sweetie

Well done on telling people you are dieting I think that makes a big difference.

I know what you mean about the VLCD but honestly I think we are wasting our time even contemplating it unless we feel we can do it 100% for a few months... I know I can't dedicate that amount of time to it so I just can't do it.

I also know that it has taken you a long time to get out of the vlcd mindset which was very bloody hard!!!

Big hugs babes... chat soon xxx
sorry to hear you're getting down about WW.. it really is about getting your head around it.. i know losses are slower, and i know you know that WW works but time pressures will always get to you i suppose.. i don't really know your background that well, so i dont know if you used to be skinny or if you've always been overweight.. but would smaller than you have been, and slightly happier with yourself and your control with food not be better than having to give up normal eating to lose it faster? I suppose i'm not the best person to debate vlcd's with.. i can't understand them myself, but i love food and i dont want to give food up, so i'm not willing to see the good points.. but you need to do what you're happiest with.. though i think if you came to WW, there was a reason you left your VLCD's, and maybe you need to remember that and persevere.. swapping back and forth will only do your body harm rather than good.

Anyway on a different note, how're you finding eating more during the day? I am very like you and have always hoarded more of my points for the evening as i'm scared i will run out and have the munchies.. do you find you feel fuller when you reach tea time or not?
Hi Kazz

Well done on your 2.5lb after 2 hols then losing 3lbs, bloomin brill!!! Really don't know much about VLCD at all, but do know that ww really does work!! I'm really similar to you too, like to keep all my points for evening because thats when im most likely to be hungry, have set morning break and lunch time, working in a school so am not able to snack during the day anyway. I do generally find i am hungriest at night, don't think it makes a huge difference tho!!

Anyway keep you chin up, its good that you have got a little support in work too! I think i am boring everyone to death with my ww antics, sure they don't mind really tho!!

Have a good weekend

Hiya sweetie

Well done on telling people you are dieting I think that makes a big difference.

I know what you mean about the VLCD but honestly I think we are wasting our time even contemplating it unless we feel we can do it 100% for a few months... I know I can't dedicate that amount of time to it so I just can't do it.

I also know that it has taken you a long time to get out of the vlcd mindset which was very bloody hard!!!

Big hugs babes... chat soon xxx

Thx luv, yes the vlcd idea is a fleeting 'its so much easier and the losses are guaranteed' idea but of course its not easier and the fact is its a huge load more difficult to live on shakes and stuff, from a completely sociable point of view. Plus mini me is more aware of things as well now, being 9 and I am scared of giving her the impression that its ok not to eat. Shes not gonna understand that the meal replacements are nutritious and all that!

Enjoy the gym!!
sorry to hear you're getting down about WW.. it really is about getting your head around it.. i know losses are slower, and i know you know that WW works but time pressures will always get to you i suppose.. i don't really know your background that well, so i dont know if you used to be skinny or if you've always been overweight.. but would smaller than you have been, and slightly happier with yourself and your control with food not be better than having to give up normal eating to lose it faster? I suppose i'm not the best person to debate vlcd's with.. i can't understand them myself, but i love food and i dont want to give food up, so i'm not willing to see the good points.. but you need to do what you're happiest with.. though i think if you came to WW, there was a reason you left your VLCD's, and maybe you need to remember that and persevere.. swapping back and forth will only do your body harm rather than good.

Anyway on a different note, how're you finding eating more during the day? I am very like you and have always hoarded more of my points for the evening as i'm scared i will run out and have the munchies.. do you find you feel fuller when you reach tea time or not?

Thanx for your post, I have pretty much always been overweight and if I am totally honest, the 'skinniest' I ever can remember being was after I did CD, but it was bloody hard, and the losses were so fast that I couldnt cope with it, my head never caught up with my body and I always saw myself as the size I started at, even though I was wearing size 10 jeans!!

I do love food, and I am from a family that celebrates all occassions with a nice meal. People can debate the rights or wrongs of this, but food is a very important part of my life, and I enjoy it, and need to learn to enjoy it sensibly. Andf thats what WW is about isnt it, literally having your cake and eating it as long as its within your points allowance!!

You are so right about chopping and changing doing more harm than good to my body, and I actually believe that doing cd messed with more than just my head!

Having more points during the day is working well, because I dont feel as hungry in the evening, more peckish than anything, and I think my choices during the day are quite good. Because I am not starving in the evenings, I am able to enjoy my dinner instead of just wolfing it down and as a result am more satisfied. Previously, I would demolish my dinner and still be hungry and thats when the problem with the munchies has kicked in!!
Hi Kazz

Well done on your 2.5lb after 2 hols then losing 3lbs, bloomin brill!!! Really don't know much about VLCD at all, but do know that ww really does work!! I'm really similar to you too, like to keep all my points for evening because thats when im most likely to be hungry, have set morning break and lunch time, working in a school so am not able to snack during the day anyway. I do generally find i am hungriest at night, don't think it makes a huge difference tho!!

Anyway keep you chin up, its good that you have got a little support in work too! I think i am boring everyone to death with my ww antics, sure they don't mind really tho!!

Have a good weekend


Thanx for your message, I suppose on the face of it I lost what on I put in my hols in a week, plus an extra half pound, so I should be happy, its just that I KNOW I shouldnt have put that 2.5lb on!

I think eating more during the day is leaving me less hungry at night, but for some people that could be dangerous as then boredom eating becomes the problem!!

Hope you have a good weekend too!!
hi kaz, just thought i'd drop by and see how you're doing. I've not had the greatest day food wise but not the worst ever so hey ho on we go i guess!!
hope you had a good weekend.
hi kaz, just thought i'd drop by and see how you're doing. I've not had the greatest day food wise but not the worst ever so hey ho on we go i guess!!
hope you had a good weekend.

Hey, I'm seriously crap at this whole diary thing....I come on the site and click new posts and then disappear without updating anything really!

Hope things have gotten better for you the last couple of days....
Ok, well I am sooooo bad at updating this diary, need to get better!!

Had my wi last night and lost another 2lb, bringing my total loss to date to 10.5lb.....not great really, but its better than it going on I suppose. The good news is, I am now only 3lb behind my mum and miles ahead of my sister so thats even better.

I am feeling a bit crap this evening. There was one of those charity bag collection leaflets left here so I decided to go through some stuff and get rid of the clothes that I know I will never wear again. I am making a conscious decision never to buy anything just because it fits again, and some of the clothes I am getting rid of definately fit into that category!

While I was at it, I decided to take all the clothes out of my wardrobe and put away the clothes that are too small for me. So, now I have 2 suitcases full of various size clothes that I need to get into, but more importantly, I have a very very empty wardrobe and I am hoping that this will help to motivate me and stick me at this til the end. I must have 25 pairs of jeans that no longer fit (I used to work for a company that had a casual day every day policy, hence the numerous jeans!) and am sickened to realise that I only have 2 pairs that actually fit me at the moment. And one of those pairs is a bit big on (needs a belt to hold those up), so really I have 1 pair of jeans that fit at the moment.

The good thing about all of this I suppose is that I have multiple sizes of clothes and should have enough to see me through this thing, but I am so depressed about the amount of fab things I have that I currently cannot wear. I want to de clutter the entire apartment now but thats not gonna happen!

In a way I feel better for sorting through the stuff, and in another way I cant be arsed clearing up the mess that is left behind now, but I do have 2 suitcases full of clothes that I need to get into, so that should motivate me......

Diet wise, things are going ok, I havent really counted points today, but am guestimating at 25, which is ok as my allowance is 26. I have been under my points all week by 1 or 2.

Plan for the week now is to continue with the porridge for brekkie, hot cross bun for snack, soup for lunch and fruit salad for afternoon snack. This just means I need to plan my dinners in the evening. I am going to a party with work on saturday night so I know I will be eating there, but I am going to drive rather than drink, so that should help with the damage limitation, and my mum has already told my daughter that she is not to buy me chocolate for mothers day!

If I can lose 2lb a week until the end of April I will be delighted as this will give me a nice loss and make shopping for clothes for my daughters communion all the more pleasant!
hey Kazz, you dont seems too happy with your loss but hey its a loss, and i would love to have you total !! Well i think i have but you have to bear in mind that thats over 2 years- so who's crap now then!!

Sorry my first week as your buddy had been pretty dismal-guess we both need to do better !! have a good day and good weekend if i dont catch you later