kazzy`s weekly weigh in

Funny you say that. I normally manage to ignore a full length look at my body. But today I actually looked properly - and it is a funny old thing.
spooky lol i dont even own a full length mirror maybe one day
:flowers:You have done well to maintain. Colds always make me eat like a pig :sick:
yeah they do me so im trying to resist and fight the cravings lol
Hi Kazzy, how are you feeling and how is the diet going?
Are you feeling any better? How are you feeling about weigh-in day on Friday?
im not to worried ive probably gained but no point in worrying as i am trying hard and ive walked miles and miles this week so is a case of cant do much more than i am, as i dont think i could cd or anything like that.
I know for certain that I couldn't do diets like those either, although I'd love the instant weight loss they provide.
I'm with you guys. I wouldn't want to do cd. It may be easier to keep off weight that takes longer to go - I'm hoping! Good luck for Friday Kazzy x
thanks gem and sam
hi wow what a gd weight loss kazzy well done!
Hi Kazzy - how was your weigh-in this week?
i gained 0.3kg but im not surprised the only surprise is that i havent gained more ahhh well onward and downward but even tho ive gained my neighbour thinks ive changed shape of my belly so thats got to be a good thing, ive changed ticker accordingly and decided to change it to kilos as its easier than trying to convert
ah never mind you can get back on track :)
thanx georgie im not to upset about it its just a little blip that i need to make sure doesnt become a big blip hehehe
Hi Kazzy - how did the party go?
was good fun im still suffering now lol had rather alot to drink so a case of not all things in moderation hehehehe
Kazzy - glad the party went well. Hope you recover soon:)
Don't worry Kazzy. I've just got back from my weekend with family - celebrations or what? I weighed in before I went so no weigh in until Monday week - I bet it's not long enough to repair the damage!
Week 3 weigh in

No surprise i gained this week back up to 107.1 kg but ive had a **** week and its no surprise really, i need to find away to get past comfort eating but ahhh well will keep trying