I absolutely agree with you, KD. My eldest girl was asking about my childhood the other day and I couldn't think of more than a handful of times that were happy. I was desperate to grow up so that I could take control of my life and not be at the mercy of adults who didn't ever seem to put my needs first. Maybe that sounds selfish? Maybe it was but I felt very sidelined as a child, remote from love and warmth.
When I met my friend, S, I was astonished that her family actually laughed together! A heady moment!
I did smile at the thought that noone used to take their parents to the park. When I take my kids, I get so annoyed at the molly-coddling parents who hover over their kids so that they don't stumble. Blimey - a bit of risk makes you independent and capable. How will this generation of softies ever manage without mummy holding their hand?
Bitter, moi? Yeah a bit! lol
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