We've all got this! C'monnnn!!!
I’m the exact same! I could never just have a glass, it’d be the bottle! I love a Sauvignon or a Pinot! Yep, that’s a good idea, that’s something for you to look forward to at the weekend
I can’t stop thinking about chippy chips! - a chop barm to be precise!
She goes between 7:00-7:30- between 4-6pm is witching hour! I’m also on countdown!!
My best friend (who’s getting married in nov) has just gone- she a few brews while I had my water, she said she could definitely see id lost the beef
I asked her again whether she was sure she wanted me to be her bridesmaid as I do have a tendency to show myself up and fall over or something!!

She goes between 7:00-7:30- between 4-6pm is witching hour! I’m also on countdown!!
My best friend (who’s getting married in nov) has just gone- she a few brews while I had my water, she said she could definitely see id lost the beef
