Changed my lunch for a wholemeal tortilla wrap, which worked out at 9 syns, and put ham and salad in it, as I had to dash off to meet my dad who decided to catch an earlier train. He's not looking too well. He's lost weight, but not in a healthy way, he has breathing problems, and is being tested for diabetes, which he will hear about soon. That will mean 2 parents with diabetes type 11. At least my mum has been slowly getting her weight down and attends a Sw group. She's gone from 16 stone to 13 stone in about 2 1/2 years (roughly). She's also got mental health problems, so this is a real achievement for her. I try not to nag her too much to keep going to group, sometimes she finds it hard, but she was glad that she does the other week when her doc sent her off for a load of thyroid tests because of her losing weight! Honestly! Can't win with these dr's! Anyway, she showed him her weightloss record, and let him see it's been a slow and steady loss, and she's sticking to a healthy eating plan which her nurse supports. She's had the tests and they've come back clear. Then there's my brother, who's unwell at the minute, not sure exactly what, but he needs to change his lifestyle and lose weight. We also have heart problems in the family on my dad's side, and cancer on my mum's side. My uncle, who's just a few years older than me, had a heart attack about 4 years ago, and dad has 3 other brothers who are at risk as well. Really worried about my lovely dad, wasn't nice to see him look so , well not like him. Sticking to a light brekkie, lunch and dinner tonight as I had a piece of daughter's birthday cake. So fruit and yogurt , soup for lunch, and omelette and salad for dinner.