Kell, I can hear the panic in your posts and understand just where you're coming from. Some very wise and experienced people have given you their advice and I'm not going to pretend I've anything of value to add. A couple of thoughts spring to mind, though...
I too am absolutely sick to death of Dukan fare and am struggling with what to do next. Whilst I like fish and don't mind meat and eggs I don't find them truly satisfying, even with salad and veg. I don't mean they don't fill me up, but they don't make me want to stop eating. And it feels mighty odd to eat can after can of tuna when what you really want is a piece of fruit, some nuts or some crackers. I'm finding myself eating more and more fruit, bread, cheese and seeds and still not being happy. There has to be a better way.
As regards your daughter, it's really important she gets what she needs nutritionally and also that she doesn't see you being screwy around food or about your weight. But you know that. She has to be able to eat bread and butter, pasta and even puddings - she's 8 and she needs the energy. I read somewhere that a large number of children from 'middle class' families are malnourished because their parents are feeding them whole foods, which are making them feel full before they have consumed the calories they need. While skimmed milk is OK for kids over 5, whole milk only contains about 5% fat and is not going to put them at high risk of a heart attack - heavily processed convenience foods will do that.
Try to calm down. Maybe take up baking with your daughter. And make nutritious food your priority rather than your weight. God knows, this is hard - if it weren't then most of us wouldn't be here on this forum now - but I believe you can do it. Good luck xx
(And I wasn't going to try to give advice!)