Another week gone and I've lost 3.5lb this week, making me only away from my target for this month (which I'd like to reach by my docs appointment on Thursday).
I went swimming again last night, which was good.
It's my time of the month right now - which I guess is nothing unusual for most girlies, but actually this is a bit wierd for me. I haven't had a period for nearly 4 years!

I used to be on a contraceptive pill called Cerezette for 3 years, which works by tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant, so you don't release eggs and therefore can't get pregnant. In February I swapped to another one called Yasmin, which you do have periods on, but I haven't had one... which is when the doctor diagnosed me with polycystic ovaries. But yesterday it came on! Amazing!
The best cure of polycystic ovaries is weight loss, so maybe this bit of weight I've lost is really helping already?
Yesterdays food:
B: Alpen light and a banana, glass of orange juice
L: Turkey pastrami, light Philadelphia and cranberry sauce on wholemeal pitta. Activia yoghurt, satsuma and a packet of snack a jacks. (Quite a big lunch here but I decided it was okay as I had a small breakfast due to a lack of milk

D: 2 Turkey fajitas but on pitta bread
Oh and 1 bottle of Fruli strawberry beer (160 calories) in the pub after swimming whilst I was waiting for my boyfriend to finish work nearby.
Hope you're all having nice weekends xxx