Hiya guys,
I didn't get round to popping on yesterday - I had such a frantic day.
I got a call from my old boss in the morning saying he's put my name forward for a job he knows about in London! I've got an interview based on what he's told them about me

which is lovely. They wanted me to go tomorrow but the train prices were so expensive, so I'm going sometime next week.
The idea of moving to London is very scary but exciting too. I'm a little worried about money, as the main bread winner at present for my partner and I, I feel a lot of pressure and responsibility. And if we do move, he'll need to get some kind of job, any job, asap so we can afford to live, as we'd not be able to survive on my income alone in London. It's a risk I know, but we have nothing to loose really.
In terms of food yesterday -
B: 2 wheetabix, glass of orange juice
S: Pink and white marshmellow waffer
L: 1/2 carton of Covent Garden Spicy parsnip soup, 2 slices of bread, activia.
D: Venison (which is really low fat), with a bbq/red wine sauce and home made chunky wedges
S: WW caramel crunch dessert
I've lost over a stone and a half now! Yey! xxx