Thanks girls, feeling a lot better now. Back to work tomorrow n hopefully back at the gym mon.
Really hoping for a decent loss. I'd even take 2lb lol xx
Any Loss is a LossAs long as you're going in the right direction. X
Been out to the cinema and pizza express today. Went it see prisoner, really good film Finished off my 19 weeklies but a very yummy day Breakfast - 2 weetabix and skimmed milk - 5 Milk in tea's - 3 Polo ad Astra Classic pizza - 21 2 dough balls - 3 Bit of oh coke in cinema - 3 Farm yard stack cake - 10 45 pp 26 dailies and 19 weeklies Sat and sun I will just be having my 26 dalies I'm not very hopeful for weigh in this wk. I always use my weeklies but scales weren't playing nice last night. Really want at least a 3lb loss with it being first weigh in. Only been to gym mon and tue with me having the accident wed and the oh has been walking the dog. I'm going to walk him in the morning, hopefully he won't pull on me too much xx
Hey! Found ya! We went to see prisoner last night, loved it! Wasn't expecting It to be so gripping. ... & I didn't get bored once during the 2.5 hours! Haha .. X
Hehe, I didn't realise til we left and saw the timeSee I didn't even know it was 2.5 hours so yeh good filmxx
Hehe, I didn't realise til we left and saw the timeomg, I hated seeing that lads face who they beat up :-0 like a horror film xx
O god I no! Tbh I put my fingers in my ears and shut my eyes when I saw him out with the dog .... I knew he would do something disgusting !!!!! XOh I know me too :-( n when that lad held that dog up with the lead. That wasn't nice xx
Really naughty last night :-( didn't quite stick to my pp. then oh picked me up from work. He saved me 3 slices of dominos pizza ( cos I asked him to save me one slice) greedy cow that I am eat them all! Feeling a lot better today so I'm going to take dog on a big walk. Dreading wi tomorrow now :-( xx
Dominos isn't too bad Sweetie, just drink tonnes of water today as its quite salty and might make u retain water which you need to flush out today.x
I will do. Off for my first bottlexx
Thanks girls, just but mad with myself with it being weigh day tomorrow. Really don't think I've lost anything.
I went for a 40 min dog walk, wore my hrm n burnt 217 cals, not many really but easing myself back into plus it was chucking it down. Did some house work when I got back so prob burnt a few there too. Ordered some weight watchers kitchen scales off eBay yesterday so I'm looking forward to those coming xx
I think you've done fab Sweetie and hopefully the Scales will reward you tomorrowx