i feel like i shouldnt be on this page anymore as lipotrim is gonna come to an end soon. but im not arsed, i have to keep you updated somehow, and be updated with all my peeps somehow. so, im staying. im also on the pregnancy without the pounds forum as well. ooohhhhh, i feel special

how is everyone doing today. ive felt like chewing my own arm off today. i felt sick again after my shake this morning, and before my shake for that matter, then when i get hungry. but ive been like that for about 2 weeks, i just thought it was because i was starving. well, i was
so i introduced a little carb today. as im coming off refeed a day earlier than i started it, i thought i would introduce carbs earlier. so today ive had.
1 strawberry shake
2 slices of ham on 1 slice wholemeal toast
1 tin of tuna with a bit of vinegar and pepper
small bunch of grapes which i think gave me a headache
some ready cooked chicken breast
2 chicken drumsticks with 1 dessert spoon of rice and 1 spoon of sweetcorn.
i have eaten probably every 2.5hrs today. as soon as i feel nauseous. but i didnt want to eat crap, just mainly protein.
so am going to keep this up with the addition of a healthy breakfast from monday.
how is everyone else doing today. all doing good i hope. i need to put on my before and after photos, i will get round to doing it at some point over the weekend, i promise

anyway, keep up the good work guys.