hi guys. deezer, i liked that one too, made me chuckle.
sorry not been on my laptop keeps cutting out, but it is playing fair again now.
well, i think ive lost a couple of lbs this week without really trying. ive been eating ok. buuuuttttt. although i have lost weight i have put another inch on my waist since i came back off holiday. if you saw the size of me you would think i am pregnant with twins. even im questioning it. since i found out i was pregnant i have put 4 inches on my waist. my belly is massive.
mary, my sickness seems to be easing now, well, yesterday and today anyway. i find out a week on monday when i have my 3 month scan when i am due exactly. im hoping they tell me im further along, which would explain the massive tum. but if not, there could be a week in it either way because i dont exactly know when my last period was due to my periods being messed up because of lipotrim. infact, i might have a scroll through my posts in a minute and see if i had mentioned anything about a period.
anyway. my 1st birth i had to be cut and had a ventouse, she was 8lb 3oz. i was in labour for 24hrs and she was a day early.
my second i was in labour for 21hrs. she was a day late and she weighed 9lb 6oz. she was quite easy i think because she was so big she slid out. although while i was in labour she came out of position and turned around sideways. they had to turn her back while i was in labour. that hurt. ALOT. i did tear with her but it wasnt too bad.
my 3rd. he was 10 days late and i was in labour for 21hrs. he was soooooo painful. he was ready to be born when i was only 5cms dialated but they said my cervix hadnt dropped and they couldnt even pop my bag of waters because of this. so i was in that 'pushing pain' for about 4 hrs. within 4 minutes of my waters actually breaking at 8cms dialated, i had my 9lb 1oz bundle and well worth the effort. i had no tearing, no nothing.
so, i anticipate that if this one comes on time it will be into the 9lbs.
there you go peeps, my birthing diary

oh, and they all came on a wednesday, funnily enough, even the one i lost last year came on a wednesday.
anyway, it got in there, it has to come out.
lilac, how are you doing hun, back on the wagon, when is your first weigh in.
mary, your doing fab, well done on getting to the gym. dont worry about your little gain, youll probably just stabalize.
anyway. just thought i would come on while i have a little peace and quiet.
keep up the good work guys