well ive had a better day today... and been happy thats all im going to say... ive had a lovely day..
had a chiropractor appointment this morning, and she is really happy with me and how things are in my back.

woop woop, she said its the strongest ive been.. which is really nice to hear!! (ive been going to her for over 2 years!!)
then we came home and had lunch (mmmm porridge!) and then went to see the beautiful little girl!! she is 3 months old, and weighs 4lbs now!!! just to make you think, most of you lose 4lbs in a week... and i was holding a baby thats 3 months old, and weighs that!!!! its just so hard to think!!!!!!
we came back later than expected... and hubby wanted thai (mmm YUM!!!) so i decided to have one two.. im not going to feel like im missing out on anything while im dieting and thats always how i have been... if it means i dont stay in ketosis, oh well... to be honest as long as i maintain over the next 5 weeks i dont mind.. but yes it would also be nicer to have losses

anyway. i got what i would normally order, and halved it. and put the other half in the fridge for hubbys dinner tomorrow night. and i had half of what i would normall would have... im so impressed with myself, and shocked that i had half of it and felt full! its amazing how my eating has changed, and i looked at hubby's who had a full rice, and a full main, and mine looked soooo small, but i still took longer to eat my half a platefull than what it did for him to eat his... so im really pleased with that!!! just need to take my time, and re educate myself! and the moment i eat a whole one of those, then there is clearly something wrong!!!!!
did my 30 day shred this morning... set my alarm to go off earlier so that i could do that then have a shower.

i went back to a level one... and really pushed myself... 400 cals later (after about an hour after starting, thats when my heart rate starts tp get kinda back to normal..)
and im starting to feel really good about doing it... im not at all fussed if it slows my weight loss down.. to be honest. as long as it tones me up, and builds that sexy strong body that i want, then i dont care.....
if i lose 1lb a week or none at all (as long as i dont gain!) then im ok with this.... at the end of the day my dress fits me, this is what i set out to achieve, and ive got to keep remembering this, and stop putting pressure on myself to keep pulling big numbers...
ive got my dress fitting in a week and a half, so if i can have my dress to still fit me im going to be over the moon!!!!