kes doing the Cambridge diet: Again....

Oh no, that doesnt sound good :( but keep smiling, we dont want a unhappy kes xxx
Well quickie on my phone before going to bed... I'm shatted, I'm stuffed, and I reckon I've put about 5lbs on this week.. but I feel horrible! I feel lazy and I feel disgusting!

So I'm hopefully going to use this feeling to get me through going back to ss+!

Wish me luck! I'm going for the first time, 100% days.. I can do this!
Goodluck hun youll be fab xxx
Hey hon

Sorry I missed you earlier. Good luck tomorrow and i'll text ya x
Hey Kes, you around??

I can TRY and help you find your mojo?

How you doing so far today??

I'm no expert, but seems like we're going through a similar thing at the moment!

I've put on about 6lbs over the weekend....that's guess work as I refuse to weigh!

I sabotaged all my hard work and just went on a non stop eating binge. Whatever I fancied I had! Including:

A Harvester Thurs afternoon (chicken breast and salad)
A chicken burger and fries at the Cinema Thurs Night

A Gregs Corned Beef pastie Fri morning
Burger and chips take away Fri night

A Mc-chicken sandwich meal Saturday day
Too many to count archers and lemonades Sat night!

A hotdog

A cheese burger
Lasagne, salad and chips on Sunday

I felt fit to burst and sick after all that crap!

I had a hell of a wake up call this morning though. On Saturday I decided I would eat what I wanted for the weekend and then start afresh on Monday but when I got up this morning I didnt have the inclination to start. I thought sh**! Honestly, I didnt know what to do next.....I thought if CD cant help me I have absolutely nothing left and am going to be obese for life!

So I started by writing a big rambling message to my friend Fran, telling her that I didnt want to do CD anymore at all and that I was leaving her on her own - it opened up a whole new kettle of fish!

Here's what I posted on my wall this morning:

Right girlies, heres an update after 5 days of stuffing myself silly, putting on
2lbs, (more like 6!) feeling like crap, despairing and considering gastric bands again I've decided upon some sort, of what I hope is, positive action.

I sent Frannie - my dear diet buddy and saviour in this fight against the flab-
the following message this morning:

I'm temporarily bowing out of CD - sorry hun! I'm temporarily deserting you! My head's not in such a restricted diet at the moment so it's making me unhappy instead of looking forward to the weight loss. It's costing me a bomb to mess around with it & eat anyway, so for the next few weeks I'm going to try healthy eating and exercise and see how I feel.

This time around, being so restrictive if just making me want food MORE so I'm breaking the diet and binging. I'm gonna try healthy eating and if I'm 'allowed' food maybe I wont want it so much. I'm concentrating instead on giving up alcohol and crap and then maybe in a few weeks I'll be ready for CD again....

I just feel like I have my weekly WI in mind all the time so subconsciously I try and sabotage that?! Does that make any sense? Prob not. But its how I feel. I want to take all the pressure off myself. I'm fed up of thinking...I could lose x amount of lbs by that date, getting to that date & I'm no where near so I'm going to take each day as it comes.

I'm not going to weigh AT ALL, especially not as part of a weekly WI. Or feel pressured by what weight I am / what I could be by what date....I'm just
going to concentrate on getting through each day AS healthily as I can. Eating
because I need to, not because I want to. Trying to gain back my control over
food-as that's how I feel when I'm around food-sometimes I don't even WANT it, I just feel like I HAVE to have it! Its the lack of control that stresses me out
and tells me that I have a real problem with food addiction and am not just
carrying a few extra stone around with me. xxxx

(end of message to Frannie)

It's like I'm feeling deprived by being on this diet so I'm going against it and
eating MORE than I would if I wasn't on a diet in the first place!

But saying that, I've just sent all that in the previous message to Frannie and then I realised I DO want to do CD! I DON'T want to eat bad food & feel sh** about myself and I DO want to stop myself being controlled by food! I just want the pressure off, if you know what I mean??

Sorry girlies, but I think this means I'm also gonna stay off minimins as that's hindering me instead of helping. I feel like I HAVE to post - and that always involves me saying things like, well I havent had a 100% SS day....and then feeling bad - instead of feeling positive that, Ok I havent only had 3 CD products today but I also havent ate everything in sight or put on 5lbs in a day!

I need to make positive, baby steps at the moment.

I've been listening to my hypnotherapy CD that I had made of my personal recording& it's all about seeing everything as a CHOICE to ease the feelings of deprivation and ease the stress. I'm gonna try to take each day as it comes, if I 'need' to eat I'll allow myself that choice-and just count that day as a SS+/810 day. My CDC already thinks I'm following the 1000plan this time round so I can just leave her thinking that and im just gonna take each day as it comes. I'm not going to 'plan' anything, like 'planning' to have a 100% day, or planning on having 2 shakes and a meal because when I don't stick to it I feel like a failure & then there's more pressure on me & instead of enjoying the diet and loosing weight I feel stressed out and/or deprived. Instead, I'm going to just try not to think of the fact that I'm 'on a diet' and take each challenge/meal/ anything that gets in the way as I can.

If I am presented with an event and I CHOOSE to eat then I'll just take a step back and analyse my behaviour - did I eat that because I was hungry? Stressed? Or just because I was greedy and just WANTED it? Then at the END of each day i can stand back, look at what I've CHOSEN to eat and THEN mark it down as a SS/SS+/ I'm going to make sure I carry a pack or bar with me everywhere so when I'm faced with having to make food choices I can make a CHOICE - I can either choose conventional food or my pack. If I choose food, I won't beat myself up or feel a failure-I'll just stand back and ask myself WHY I chose the food over the pack. I think it's mainly about being aware of how I act around food-if I think I CAN'T have it (because of CD/diet) then I'll want it but if I CAN have it then maybe I'll choose not to?!

Sorry for my essays! I needed to share how I'm thinking with someone and you're the only ones who seem to understand! Im sure my family just think I'm a fat pig and that it's as simple as 'if you don't want to be fat, don't eat it!' Which it's clearly not as I want to be thin SO much, I just can't stop eating!

I'm also gonna look at hypnotherapy again-there's one where they hypnotise you into thinking you have a gastric band! Quite pricey but alot cheaper than a real gastric band!

So girlies, I hope you understand the crap I'm putting myself through at the moment! Not in a very good place psychologically and I want to regain control over my life back. I know only I can make these choices, so that's what I'm going to concentrate on doing - making choices that are RIGHT for me and my body and gaining control again - and a little bit of exceptance for who I am - and that if I CHOOSE to eat I'm not a complete failure, just flawed.

I promise to post when I'm feeling more controlled and sure of myself - just not
promising a timescale!

Good luck with all your diets! You'll all do amazingly I'm sure!

If you want to catch up with me, I'm on Facebook, I'm "Lynsey Coburn" from
South Wales - my pic is a blonde girl (me) with crazy hearts painted on
my face! Looking a little worse for wear! Add me xxxx

Ps thank you all for your support - it has meant SO much to me, but I'm starting to realise I need to do this FOR myself and by myself. Love you all! xxxx


That was my post this morning on my wall and its taken writing my feelings down and sharing them for me to acknowledge how I was feeling. Being on CD felt like I was in a prison, I was DYING for food, sometimes even wolfing it down in a manic desperation and then feeling terrible afterwards!

But then I stood back and said, "right I dont want CD anymore, it's not for me at the moment." I just felt despair! I felt like, if I didnt have CD I didnt have any other option!

So now I'm feeling much more positive. I feel like CD is my lifeline to a thin lifestyle - I cant be thin AND be stuffing my face! The two dont go hand in hand and I might momentarily want the food, but when I stand back and see the bigger picture, its the slimmer, healthier, happier lifestyle that I want more than all that grub!

It was as if I thought CD was "magic" and as long as I wanted it bad enough, the weight would just fall off just by me saying I was on CD! But its not magic, it works, but only with sheer determination and hard work! I need to be in control NOT CD or food, ME. Thats the only way this is going to work - no ones going to get slim for me.

Its that acknowledgement that has brought back my determination and ambition. I WANT to succeed at losing weight and I want to succeed at it through CWP as I would love to be a CDC at the end of it.

I'm not saying I'm going to be 100% for the next 20 weeks, but I'm going to TRY. I'm only human and will probably falter a few times along the way, but if i can get through each week "nearly" perfect than I will be happy! That's got to account to quite a significant amount of weight loss further down the line hasnt it!

As for posting, I think I'm going to stick to checking on here for inspiration, posting on other people's diaries and leave my own until I have something significant to post! Something to celebrate.

It's only day one and I'm taking baby steps, but I'm a porridge, a bar and 1litre of water down and I'm feeling positive and proud.

I havent failed because I havent given up! I WILL crack this. CD DOES work if used properly and I intend to start using it properly.

Im sorry for the rambling post but maybe it's helped??

I'm breaking my goal down in to smaller more manageable chunks. Right now there's no way on earth I can picture myself at 8 stone, so I'm going for 2 stone for now and taking it 2 stone at a time!

Maybe you need to break the stretch to Easter down into smaller chunks?

Celebrate every 5lbs? That's 5lbs closer to your goal each time.....5lbs closer to Easter!

Here's to a 100% NOW! xxxx

Hope you find your mojo soon babes! It's THERE somewhere, you just need to stand back and work out what's important to YOU.

You and me love... we are going through the same stuff....
I honestly felt like I could have written all of that!

Good luck with getting on with things, and you have my email if you want to email me do so ok love! I'll add you on fb as well.
hello my lovelys!!!
well i thought i should get my butt on here, and write on how im going...

and its been FAB!!
my mojo is back (going to put that on my name too!!!)

day three so far of being 100%!! ive only ever had 3 days in a row being 100%. so im well chuffed with my self, and if i get through tomorrow i will be able to say ive done it for the longest time! :)
ive not checked that i am keto or not yet, (must find those sticks!) but im not headachey, not dizzy, and still starving.... soooooo im thinking not!

its tough, dont get me wrong, yesterday i was soooooo hungry alll day. so i could have easily caved. but i didnt.
and today while giving the little girl i look after lunch ((whole meal pita with hummous, bacon and chedder cheese) i could have gobbled that up as all of those ingredients (give or take the pita) are my worst nightmare at the moment...

so what i have done, is in my diary book that i write in each day (well most days) ive put a list of the things that i would like to eat when i am allowed to start eating again.
and i would not have thought that a whole meal pita with some low fat stuff in it would be that bad, so therfore i would be able to have it for example when i re feed on say 1000 or something (although i dont know anything about the upper plans...)

i didnt realise until this morning, that yesterday i drank 5 litres... hmmmm i dunno if that was a good thing or not...

im exercising again.. just moderate stuff on the wii biggest loser... and tonight i have a relax night. (muscles are killing me) then back at it thursday friday and maybe sat, sund...
im not going to go over board with the exercise, as my chiropractor told me to take it easy... and spread it out over six weeks to get back into it.. so i might start gillian back up, when i have more time in the evenings (ive got lots of photography work to be getting on with..)

i have sooo much positive thoughts at the moment. but then all of a sudden they will be gone, so im trying to work on bringing the positive back (hence why ive made the list... so that i know im going to have it, just not now, rather than telling myself no your not allowed end of story!!)

i can get through this. and i hope that the weight is coming off... ive not seen the scales.... (i will weigh, just dont look at it and my hubby will tell me if i have gone up or down) this morning he said it was up... But that might be the 5 litres i drank, the sore muscles and im due on.... so hopefully it will go down again.. if not im not too fussed... he said it went down the first day, so im not bothered at least its gone down. and as i dont know how much it went up, then i dont need to get dissapointed. i know it works, and if im only having 3 packs a day (plus skimmed milk in 2 coffees, ) then i know im going to be losing weight :)

bring on easter.... i can not see me getting to goal for my birthday,(well i would love it) but im not pinning my hopes) so as long as its about there by easter, im allowed to enjoy a few choccies eggs, which we have not done for the last couple of years. so that will be a nice treat for me :) and i will be able to enjoy easter without being the size i was :)

right i think i have rambled enough, need to go and get the other little one i look after from school, but i have a shake to finish and also a coffee. so i need to down those!
chow chow for now

Ps very good mood!!
I'm beginning to believe feeling positive is a habit and that faking it makes it so.... if you think negative you feel negative... and vice versa....

So well done on the mojo :)
So true!
Hey Kes,

so fab to read your positive post, hope you stay positive and dont go for any nibbles :D

Not so positive... I feel ready to shoot my boss! She is driving me mad!

But I've not turned to food .. and I refuse to let it drive me there!
Thanks love....

What a flipping morning! Stressed to the max!

Broke down on the way to work. Car cut out and stalled while I was going around a Sharp corner, quite scary... managed to glide along till a got to a bit I could go up the curb.. wouldn't start again!
Ehhhhhh don't have break down cover with anyone.. (one of those things I've been meaning to do!) So had to call aa. Join, and then they came out! Expensive! The aa guy checked everything... and nothing came up on the computer... bugger! So he did a test on the fuel pump and it didn't put any fuel through.... so we suspect the fuel pump inside the tank! So obviously he Couldn't fix it, so therefore got towed to my garage... they don't have time to look at it till tomorrow... ehhhh and even then they won't know if they can fix it for the weekend... but managed to get to work (lovely aa guy drove me which was so sweet!) Then as I was getting out of the car, he pre warned me that he predicts its going to cost a bit. Ehhhhhh not what I needed!

With that my boss had to cancel what she was doing today . (but I'm thankful she is at home!!!) So she has ferryd us around all day. And got in the pool with the little one I look after, so I got out of that one! Couldn't think of anything worse right at the moment!

But out of all that, and although I thought about it, I didn't turn to food! Where as before I really would have!! So I'm chuffed! I'm on for my 4th 100% day.. woop woop....

And now to wait for the news on how much its going to cost to fix it!
awww bless ya hun , cars are a pain and always go wrong when you least need it !! well done on not turning to food though ... not easy !!!
I am on 3rd day 100 % so not far behind you ... its normally my worst day but having 4 shakes seems to help a lot .. and hoping ketosis will be here tomorrow .. my mouth is getting pooy so fingers crossed ...

I hope your car reovers with not too much expense !
Congrats on the 100% day....hope today is better car wise!

Question- does ketosis make your mouth feel a bit fuzzy and sickly sweet sometimes? Tested positive for ketosis on feeling fab now.

Happy Friday ladies!

I've lost my 100% days.... and prob won't be in ketosis.... just want to cry! So that was 4 in a row....

Didn't take the news that my car is going to cost about 850 to fix...
And we are going out for a meal tonight, as a Thankyou to my mother and father in law for driving me to and from work.... they have been so good! So I've not had that planned, but I don't plan on having a lot... maybe a steak and some salad no carbs like pasta ,potato it rice....

I have finally figured it out im a stress eater. When I'm stressed I eat...
Now let's minimise stress......
nikkinack said:
Congrats on the 100% day....hope today is better car wise!

Question- does ketosis make your mouth feel a bit fuzzy and sickly sweet sometimes? Tested positive for ketosis on feeling fab now.

Happy Friday ladies!

Ketosis doesn't do anything to my mouth... some people get some signs some don't... I normally get headachy and dizzy a lot, but not this time!
Ooops ... I dont deal with stress well either .. normally try and find some help at the bottom of the biscuit tin ... but what makes us strong is admitting to it and getting back up on that horse :D

I am sorry about your car ... my car has its first MOT next week and I am dreading it .. my last cars 1st MOT cost us £900 ... and Hubbys car is also poorly too ..... so looking to be a tight month again :(
just got home from being out for dinner, and im very chuffed with myself
i had steak and about 2 tablespoons of peas.... 2 chips went into my mouth, but didnt want to have anymore, because i needed to be good.. i needed to pull back my stress eating, and it was tough to turn down a pudding, but hey its not going to be forever, and im going to write in my book, the pasta dish that had cheese and peppers and chicken in it for when im fully back onto eating again (or a higher plan like 1200 or something.....)

:) so its not been a completly bad day.. although i shouldnt have eaten what i did this afternoon... but its behind me now. im going to be 100% over the weekend, and during the day on monday, then we are going out for valentines (we normally go away for the weekend but this year i said no because i just wanted to crack on with things.... so we decided on a meal instead, which my hubby (wonderful one at that) has organised it and i have no idea where we are going...)
blooming good job we didnt organise anything, because ive got no car!... f'ing thing!!!!! i am sooooo cross, i dont know why, its just one of those things that happen. but hey ho... cant be doing anything about it... and ive got to try and get out of the stress mode that im in, otherwise im going to be drawing a line stright to the fridge..

i need to address why i eat with im stressed....
Well after yesterday I'm pleased to say I've not lost ketosis... and the stick is still slightly pink (always is as I drink a fair amount if water.)

So I'm pleased about that. And I'm back on plan! We are having a ss+ day today with food! I've not had one of these before.... so ill let you know how it goes...
I'll be having chicken (120g) and 2 tablespoons mushrooms.... my lovely husband is making it for me when he cooks his dinner, which is the same but he is having a jacket potato and sweet corn too.

Looking forward to see how much chicken is allowed! (or how little lol)

And then I am going to see how to make the mix a mousse with a choc mint shake for pudding! (ive had porridge and a bar already today).

It's frustrating as I love cooking with my husband, but I just have to keep telling myself I can do it once I have gotten to goal and done the refeed!