Kerry's pregnancy diary
Yeh finding it good when I stick to it properly, making wise food choices ect! I'm 10st ten n half at min, want to b 9 st! Seems far away tho! Haha .. Heaviest I've been is 12st 5! What about you? Xx
kezzalicious30 said:Wow u have done so well! I just keep back tracking, started back at 10st ten about 6 wks ago, lost about 5 n put 7 n half on :-/ ( went to London and missed weigh in for a couple of wk) was so mad with myself! only lost a pound last wk but then again I didnt stick to it properly! I've been good so far so i'm hoping for a big loss this wk!! Just munching a apple n guzzling water as we speak! Haha x
CarlyLanky140 said:I'm the same with the ww eclairs! Omg! Yummy!! Lol
I have seen these new Heinz pasta pouches advertised so gonna check them out when I go shopping!! Xx